wtorek, 23 sierpnia 2016

The basis for today's modelling of the Universe

The basis for today's modelling of the Universe

This article, along with the previous two, provides the backdrop for the considerations which will be presented in further articles dealing with cosmological issues. They indicate a departure from the traditional, widely accepted view on this subject. If only for this reason I do not think worth it to delve here into the details which are widely known. All this has been described in numerous books, a lot of information can be obtained on the Web. However, I am bringing up these known issues, to create and highlight an alternative to today's models, today's concepts, and even for the sake of perception of what is registered by our predetermined senses.

1. Friedmann’s cosmological models
2. Microwave background radiation
3. Dark energy

1. Friedmann’s cosmological models
     As I have often pointed out, even in the early twentieth century it was widely believed, without any deeper intellectual exploration of this view, that the Universe is static and infinite. For this reason, to meet this popular belief, this obviousness, Einstein in his field equations (GTR) introduced the cosmological constant, which today makes a stunning career despite the fact that shortly after making this invention he called it his biggest mistake. Judging by the content of the first article (Cosmological Principle), and the following ones, he was not wrong (admitting to having made a mistake). Even before he acknowledged it, a number of models of the Universe were created, all taking into account this unfortunate constant. Niche attracts like light (moths).
     In 1922, Alexander Friedmann (Russia) found new solutions to the equations of general theory of relativity, which were to model the Universe, new in relation to the fact that he had already omitted the cosmological constant. These equations indicate the possibility of an expanding Universe (which may be actually true) according to one of the three models, depending not so much on its mass, but on the average density. After the Hubble’s discovery (1929), Einstein finally decided that the introduction of the cosmological constant was a mistake and accepted Friedmann’s solutions of the field equations as more appropriate. The course of development of the Universe according to the three models (listed below) can be readily found in various sources. Here I will present the matter in summary form. We’ll return to these issues in another place, in the context of other considerations and while using some simple mathematical tools.
However, it is interesting (from the point of view of the history of science) that in the second half of the twentieth century this abandoned concept of cosmological constant was reaccepted (Was it because of exhausted creativity?) Or maybe because it was easier to accept less abstract model of the static and infinite Universe, which… expands? In this situation, the idea of dark energy has fallen on fertile ground. Because it is right, right? Rather not. Meander.
     Here are the three Friedmann’s models. Open model – The Universe will expand forever because its average density is too small (gravity is too weak) to stop the unlimited expansion. The closed model - if the average density (and therefore mass) of the Universe is big enough, its expansion will stop and it will start to contract until the collapse of the whole into a singularity* from which it all began (as it is commonly imagined if the singularity can be actually imagined). The Critical model which constitutes a borderline between the two aforementioned models - more about it further. Is the Universe like that? Perhaps the real Universe pulsates by alternating expansion and compression? Critical model forms the boundary between the open and the closed one. Judging by the fact that mathematically the border is a point, the critical development of the Universe is actually something totally improbable or else, (Attention!) the “critical” development is the only option possible. I am inclined to this view, although according to the critical model, the Universe would expand to infinity, and it would be balancing on the line of zero thickness - the so-called flatness problem. However, I assume that the Universe oscillates. Therefore it's not so much about the criticality but that the space of the Universe is simply flat. It just so happens that the critical model also assumes flatness.
     What then with the other two models? As you can see we have a new reason to pounder, the more so since the “start” of the Big Bang is not predicted by the general theory of relativity. Vacuum energy, inflation, well, that’s another paragraph. The problem of the origins of the Universe I already explored in a series of articles on the dual gravity. As you can see, the philosopher's stone is still far away. The problem of dynamics of the Universe will be tackled in many texts and various contexts.
      Friedmann’s models assume that the expansion rate decreases, in analogy to the body thrown up - its speed slows down. It is however about the changes in the curvature of the space that is supposed to be created by the Universe. The rate of expansion H is here the fundamental parameter. However, in this work, no less important role is played by the relative speed, the constant speed for a given pair of objects, the actual speed of motion of galaxies (and not the changes of the scale factor), the upper limit of which is obviously the invariant speed c. It is the speed of expansion of the Universe. We are talking here about the constant relative velocity despite the fact that the Universe may be also pulsating. How is that? We'll see later, although I have already managed to blurt out something. We’ll come back to discuss this topic further.
     The three aforementioned models which are the solutions to the Einstein-Friedmann field equations constitute the basis of cosmology (apart for the injection of heuristics through the cosmological constant and dark energy). The development of the real Universe, what awaits "us" according to Friedmann model depends on its average density, which ratio to the critical density is called density parameter Ω.

Why not dependent on mass? Now, mass is an extensive value, which means that it depends on the magnitude of the system. Assuming that the Universe is infinite (or that it’s not visible in its entirety - according to today's views, "the mass of the Universe" is something indefinite. That's why the intensive value is used, the one not dependent of the quantitative content, and in our case – the average density. However, if we assume that what is observable is Everythingness, the thoughts on the mass of the Universe make sense, and even lead to interesting conclusions. We'll see about that later.
It turns out, as indicated by the results of observations, that the real Universe is evolving (most likely) according to the critical model (W = 1). [It is said to make sure "very close to the critical." But I say that criticality is the only option, therefore it is difficult to use this term - criticality. We’ll return to these issues.] It does not mean that it will be always like that. Who knows, maybe evolution of the Universe encompasses all three models which constitute its particular stages? We will return to this supposition, not necessarily to support it.
     As you know, seven years after the publication of the seminal Friedmann’s work, Hubble made his discovery. The GTR equations indicate changeability, (gradually decreasing) rate of expansion. Does that contradict Hubble’s discovery? Well, no, because the Friedmann’s theory deals with the dynamics of the Universe, changes in its condition, while Hubble's law refers to the space at a certain moment of observation.
     Within a short time, still in the twenties, there appeared quite a few models of the Universe based on general theory of relativity. They provided an excellent heuristic and intellectual base for discoveries that came later. The earliest was the discovery made by Hubble. The models discussed in this chapter are still valid, they are even considered by most contemporary theories. I don’t spend much time in my work on other models since generally they do not comply with the concept presented here, and besides, they are only of historical significance. Friedmann’s models are something else, despite the fact that "ideologically" they don’t fully fit into my vision of the world. I present them so as to, among other things, explain better my standpoint. I don’t reject the general theory of relativity. I accept it without a shadow of a doubt, because the better one has not been yet invented. However, I believe that this theory perfectly describes systems, but in relation to the description of the Universe, which is in itself an absolute unity and "everythingness" it loses (who knows) its appropriateness. For there is no place from which one could view the Universe, because beyond it space does not exist, there is no frame of reference. This view kind of betrays the researchers’ way of thinking, for whom the general theory of relativity (used to describe the Universe) is an everyday tool of their research workshop. There is no way they will abandon it, regardless of the circumstances. They think (intuitively, but intuition is to a large extend based on what makes the current knowledge) that the existence of multiple universes, or at least the matter beyond the horizon, is fully acceptable. Because the horizon itself is only of “interconnecting” significance (I have already mentioned this in the preceding article. There will be more about it.) This view, I think, is also a manifestation of intuition’s spasmodic attachment to the static and infinite universe (here we are entering the field of psychology). As for the general theory of relativity, there is another aspect limiting the scope of its applicability. It is about the duality of gravity and its consequences in relation, particularly, to the microcosm in the case of a high concentration of matter, as we have discovered it in the articles dealing with dual gravity.
     To finish this part (and by the way) it would be appropriate to mention the work of the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lamaître who independently of Friedmann and before Hubble’s discovery came (in 1927) to very similar conclusions, although he maintained in his equations the cosmological constant. In his investigations he also tried to remodel the Big Bang. For this reason he actually deserves to be called the "father of the Big Bang," although he didn’t invent the term. According to him, the explosion preceded the state of "the primary atom" (as he called it) of the size thirty times larger than the sun. As a result of the explosion came the Universe, which is still expanding.
     Currently cosmology can still reap the benefits of the inexhaustible possibilities given to scholars by the general theory of relativity, although their multitude by no means brings us closer to the univocity of the objective being. Do not worry. Nature will not be persuaded to succumb to equations if they do not express it in an absolute way. So we can freely and calmly look for further signs of the philosopher's stone.

 2. Microwave background radiation 
      The results of astronomical observations, consistent with the cosmological principle, lead (not to say convince) us to accept the thesis that the Universe is expanding. If this “theory” is correct, it should also anticipate the observational effects not yet known, indicating the direction of future research and exploration. As you know, the matter of the Universe is composed not only of stars and planets. It is also electromagnetic radiation which has certainly existed since the very early stages of evolution, already in the first seconds after the "start". This is not about the details.
     It can be expected that the temperature in the first moments (not necessarily at the very beginning) was very high. As it is known, matter (the body) of any absolute temperature (above 0 K) is a source of electromagnetic radiation. Characteristics of radiation depend on temperature of the source. In this sense, we can speak of radiation temperature. It is perfectly reasonable to expect that this radiation still persists as a relic of a very early stage of the expansion, the moment of chaos (the phase transformation, during which dissipated the kinetic energy of an orderly expansion - matter gained the features of a thermodynamic character, the object was at first very hot with the highest temperature in the whole history. At this point there appeared electro-magnetic interactions, and of course radiation. It should have had the qualities of thermal radiation. Then the massive particles (leptons and hadrons) had to form as separate entities, at least those that interact electromagnetically. From that moment, for some time, there was a balance between radiation and the matter of particles. The creation of particles and their annihilation proceeded with equal ease.
     As suggested in my works, the earliest to separate were neutrinos. This took place still during the accelerated expansion - Urela** (not inflation) until the phase transition, as a result of which there appeared quarks and electrons. Quarks immediately formed protons. Electrons and protons are stable particles. At the same time, there appeared other particles - all unstable, mainly due to the interaction with neutrinos. In particular, there came neutrons. [About neutrinos, how they were formed, and about their role, I wrote some quite surprising things in an essay devoted to them - in the third part of the book ***.] That’s how I see it.
     With the (substantial) matter coexisted multiplicity of photons, creating an environment in which was taking place, as I described above, the creation and annihilation processes involving pairs of various particles. Over time, due to lowering of the temperature, the processes of creation and annihilation substantially ceased and what was left was electromagnetic radiation corresponding to ever lower temperature. It still exists as a relic of the early phase of expansion.
     At the beginning matter and radiation was a bubbling soup of very high temperature of billions, trillions degrees Kelvin. Gradually, along with the expansion, the temperature decreased. It was only after about half a million years of uninterrupted expansion (more precisely: 300 - 700 thousand years) the temperature and density decreased enough to enable final separation of radiation from substantial matter. This separation has been called decoupling. Since then, radiation in terms of quantity (number of photons) has not changed. At that stage the radiation temperature was around 3000K, and the Universe became transparent because the radiation could no longer remove electrons from atoms****. Hardly shining hydrogen and helium filled the space. It was quite dark, despite the existence of radiation, because its interaction with matter was negligible... until the appearance of the first stars after about 200 million years. This radiation should exist to this day as a fossil, a relic of a time preceding by the almost two billion years the formation of galaxies. After all, this radiation has not left the Universe, being its integral part. And “horse-sense” dictates that this was not in fact possible in view of the fact that the speed of (Hubble) expansion is equal to c. So by the way we have one more argument to support this claim.
     From the process of decoupling to the emergence of the first stars must have passed quite a lot of time. The matter was still too hot to converge in density fluctuations. Gas which was a mixture of hydrogen and helium (with negligible amount of lithium), could not shine brightly enough to be visible even by the largest telescopes. Based on the well-known and well-established models of stellar evolution, it can be assumed that the first of them appeared only after approx. 200 million years. Will we ever see them? I think we're on a good way to achieve that. Today, we seem to see, thanks to satellite telescopes, a kind of glow, probably of the primary stars. Most recent observations seem to indicate something like this, but so far it is to a large extent a matter of interpretation.      
     And radiation itself... we should detect it, although its current temperature should be relatively low - there shouldn’t be radiation of visible light, judging by the fact that the night sky is black. If, indeed, there was the Big Bang, such radiation should be detected. It should be heat radiation. That what was already thought in the late forties of the last century.
     Thus, this radiation should be all the time and should fill the entire space (enclosed by the Hubble horizon). The total number of photons should not change. So the radiation should reach us from everywhere and, according to cosmological principle, manifest itself with almost the same intensity, in accordance with the cosmological principle. “Almost” due to the local heterogeneity of matter which probably have some minor effect on radiation density. Small influence, because there are much more photons than massive particles.
     This is thermal radiation of a specific spectrum. Thus it cannot be a monochromatic radiation. So as to find this radiation, we should predict the length of its wave, which after all had to change during all these years of continuous expansion of the Universe. "So as to fill the widening space the photons had to undergo continuous change. The length of their wave had to increase (length - one dimension) at the same rate at which increased the radius of the Universe, in which all the dimensions got larger", as did the movement of each of them in one directions within three-dimensional space (and not, as if expanded - in three dimensions at the same time). As an aside, let’s note that this approach kind of belies the contemporary modeling of the expansion of Universe in the sense of decreasing the curvature of space, the expansion which doesn’t involve the content of the Universe (galaxies, bodies, particles). However, photons get longer, despite the fact that even galaxies do not change, carried like dots on the surface of the balloon... In any case, that’s how it is visually presented today so as to meet the cognitive needs of amateurs. Yet doesn’t it makes one wonder (photons yes, galaxies no)? But in any case, it’s an oversimplification. And how is it in fact?
    "The length of their wave should increase..." suggests the horse-sense, although in the forties of the last century this was not so obvious. Just then G. Gamow and his students, based on the assumption that in the beginning the temperature had to be very high, predicted the existence of background radiation constituting a relic of most ancient times - just after the Big Bang (that’s how this scholar called the Great Explosion). "This should be the thermal radiation, which function should correspond to Wien’s displacement law." 
    Judging by the presented above simplified model, it can be concluded that the wavelength of the assumed relic radiation increases in proportion to the size of the Universe, that is, to its radius. This is written as follows:
Here we would have a problem because this initial wavelength (when, during the Explosion appeared the electromagnetic radiation), the smallest in the history of the Universe, we cannot know. Of course, it is not possible to derive it from observation. Fortunately, it is possible to calculate how much time had to pass since the Big Bang till the separation of radiation and substantial matter. This moment can serve as a point of reference. As mentioned above, the radiation separated from substantial matter when it corresponded to the temperature 3000K. This occurred after about three hundred thousand years since the "Explosion." The radius of the Universe was equal to the same number of light-years. Of course, we do not take into account the initial, very early period in which, according to the commonly accepted and quite well-founded view (which I share), there was a non-linear increase, but it lasted for a very short time, just a tiny fraction of a second (according to our subjective measure of time).
   Let’s start with estimating the wavelength of thermal radiation corresponding to said temperature of three thousand degrees Kelvin. We’ll use Wien’ displacement law:
Here: C – constantC = 2.898·10^-3[m·K], T - temperature on an absolute scale, which for simplicity we’ll call heat radiation temperature. In our case it amounts to 3000K. So we get:λ1 = 0.966·10^-6m. 
   Now let’s assume that the radius of today’s Universe is equal to 15 billion light years (according to the value of the Hubble constant which we have "tentatively" adopted), and at the moment of decoupling it was 3·10^5ly Basing on equation (*) we get:  λ2 = 4.83·10^-2m. It is the wavelength of microwave radiation. This result gives only an estimate of magnitude. It’s hard to find more difficult demands. After all, we based essentially on the high school physics. But does this radiation exist?...
   This estimate, as I mentioned above, is a significant simplification also for this reason that quantitatively photons hugely exceed over the massive particles. For every baryon there are about a billion photons. Therefore, even if the temperature corresponding to the peak of the spectrum is relatively low (e.g. 3000K), there is a large number of photons with extremely great energy. So it was not as if by magic wand that the Universe suddenly became transparent. This is one of the reasons that these calculations are just a rough estimate, only for general orientation. Besides, if only for the same reason, the very process of decoupling had to be stretched over time, could not be an act taking place in a flash. It should be added that already then the Universe itself was uniform only on a global scale and local heterogeneities certainly existed. Caused by what? - More on that later. 
      It can be assumed that in the forties George Gamow reasoned in a similar way. His disciples Alpher and Herman decided that this should be microwave radiation. Working in different centers Peebls and Zeldowicz (in the early sixties) estimated  the temperature of the hypothetical CMB radiation to be of the order of 5 - 10 K. This is the temperature corresponding to the actual microwave radiation. They did not know that exactly at the same time was made the greatest discovery of the twentieth century (as many think, but today they rather tend toward dark energy, wrongly in my opinion.) 
     Background radiation was discovered in the most appropriate time, in the spring of 1964 (although not in the most appropriate place). Scientists so involved in its prediction did not even know about it. The discovery was made accidentally by two radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. In their daily work routine they did not seek any relic radiation. Their antenna by chance received a strange microwave noise of a length of 7.35 cm, significantly stronger than the noise of an apparatus. Changing the orientation of the antenna (and its cleaning) made no difference. The radiation was isotropic. That was it. The discovery of the CMB radiation determined the validity of the concept of the Big Bang. For their discovery, the above named astronomers received the Nobel Prize (1978). Well, blunders are made even by the venerable Nobel committee, but in two thousand eleven, it flopped all the way (dark energy). 
     This discovery marked the beginning of a very intense research. Cosmology has even become a fashionable field of physics, especially in the last decade. [I was drawn to those things in childhood, but only in the old age I have dared to publicize my perpetrations. And in the course of this activity, as it's natural, I succumbed to an avalanche of new ideas, the more so by being inspired by new discoveries. By the way, I was given a chance to publicize relatively recently, when the internet came along, and I learned it. Contrary to appearances, my age played no role. In terms of creativity I seem to keep ahead of those youngsters who would have sent me into retirement already some thirty years ago. Maybe that's why my head is full of unruly thoughts – soon you’ll see. Who would want to publish them? Glory to the internet (as in a carol).]  
     It turned out that the background (relic) radiation exhibits the characteristics of blackbody radiation at a temperature 2.73K. As you can see, the error in our rough estimation is rather small. That might confirm the validity of the approach.
     Surprisingly, this radiation is isotropic, despite the fact that the Universe does not appear to be uniform - recently there were discovered vast areas where the concentration of galaxies is significantly higher than average. One of them was called the Great Wall. There were also found dark areas with only faintly glowing galaxies – the Great Attractor. Large-scale objects of this type exert some influence on the behavior of galaxies. It was found for instance that (our) Galaxy moves in the direction of the great Attractor***** with an unexpectedly high speed of 600 km/s. So it turns out that the particularly concentrated areas are separated by no less extensive, amounting to hundreds of millions light years, seemingly empty spaces. Research using Hubble telescope (in the first years of this century) show the Universe as a kind of soap foam, with the condensations of galaxies at the edge of "bubbles" which, interestingly, coincide spatially with condensation of dark matter, that is supposedly indicated by the presence of gravitational lensing. This is indicated by the particular direction of research on the genesis of galaxies. I devoted to it a separate essay. This comparison (foam) quite often returns in books on cosmology. How do you reconcile all that with the homogeneity and isotropy of the CMB radiation? That is the question. We’ll come back to it.
   It was therefore necessary to examine this radiation more accurately. The task was entrusted to the COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite sent into orbit in November 1989. These studies were carried out again (more precisely) thanks to probe WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), put into orbit of a special trajectory - Lissajous orbit around the L2 libration point of the Earth-Sun system - by the Delta 2 rocket in June 2001. It turned out that the uniformity of the CMB radiation is not absolute. This means that already at the time when it freed itself from the substantial matter (some five hundred thousand years after the Explosion), its temperature was not one hundred percent the same throughout it. I guess this is not so strange considering that the process of separation of radiation from substantial matter was spread in time (from 300 thousand to 700 thousand years). "Why this spread?" You may ask. It can be assumed that this (detected by satellite) tiny, seemingly insignificant, anisotropy of radiation, explains the astonishing fact of heterogeneity in the occurrence of galactic objects. Is it really? Maybe it is just a coincidence of facts having the same source? Why this anisotropy of radiation is so insignificant in comparison with the large-scale heterogeneity of massive objects? Is it simply because the radiation (the number of photons) is hugely overbalancing the number of massive particles (billion times more than baryons)?
   Or maybe the existence of heterogeneity is caused to some extend be dark matter, which does not interact electromagnetically but its gravity has a non-negligible impact on radiation itself? On its magnitude - yes, but on its heterogeneity? These issues I also discussed in a different place. I should refer to the articles dealing generally with gravity, and in this context discussing, among other things, the first moments of the Big Bang, in particular, the process, which I called Urela, as well as phase transformation following soon after, constituting the cause of fluctuations - those that later emerged in the form of large-scale non-homogeneities.
   It should be added that on a global scale, despite those findings, it is believed that the Universe is fully homogeneous and confirms to the cosmological principle. [The principle is confirmed even more (than by the supposed homogeneity) by the existence of the same non-homogeneities ("foams") in the eyes of any observer, whatever his location]. The results obtained using the above-mentioned probes definitely  proved the validity of the claim that the expansion was preceded by a condition in which all the matter of the Universe was at one moment concentrated in a very small area and created a self-adjusted system (this latter statement I have not consulted with anyone). True, many scholars are convinced that it was a singularity (I see in this the singularity-peculiarity of human habits of thought), but this is not at all binding. What’s important is that the expansion was simultaneous for all elements spatially included in the expanding object. Currently, basically no one has any doubt about it. By the way, this simultaneity, as mentioned above, could mean absolute self-adjustment of properties and processes occurring in the earliest phase of the Explosion, even though the interconnecting paradigm is in force. To the topic I will devote quite a bit of thought further on.  
     In an article devoted to the cosmological principle, I accepted as valid the thesis that the observable Universe is Everything that exists, is Everythingness. There is nothing beyond it. There is nothing beyond the horizon, there are no parallel universes, no intersecting universes or some running askew. Its specific, finite dimensions are determined by the H factor and the c constant. This is demonstrated directly by CMB radiation. "Really?" Absolutely. The temperature of this radiation which was already estimated by Gamow, and the confirmation of this prediction may serve as an eloquent proof. After all, he based his conclusions on the properties of black body radiation, enclosed in a limited space (in a nook). [If the Universe were infinite, there would be no nook, and of course there would be no CMB radiation.] Change of radiation temperature contained therein is then approximately proportional to the variable linear dimensions of this "nook" (inverse proportionality). Knowing the temperature at the time of decoupling (about 3000K), and the dimensions of the Universe at the time, say five hundred thousand light years, and knowing the approximate current size of the Universe (based on H law and speed c) we also could predict (with a tolerable result) the wavelength of CMB radiation. And now Attention! If there was something extra (unobservable), and at the same belonging to our Universe (the size of the nook would exceed the Hubble dimensions), then the predicted temperature resulting from calculations would not be compatible with the temperature of the CMB radiation. It would be much lower. By how much? Good question, food for thoughts. Indeed, today it is believed that the Universe reaches much further than the Hubble radius. The diameter of the Universe has been actually determined to be equal to approx. 92 billion light years. This is a clear (if not "outright blatant") inconsistency. Well, yes, but then you have to take into account the mutually moving coordinates. Besides, there was "inflation", which caused that the Universe is much bigger than it is. The dark energy also played a role, making the Universe bigger than it is... In the articles devoted to the dual gravity, I described Urela and phase transformation, and I said (in an article devoted to the cosmological principle), that space is made of movement (even inert) of matter formed through this transformation. 
    Relying on inflation and "an escape beyond the visible Universe" of some part of it, and in addition relying on the interconnecting paradigm - waiting for objects so far invisible (beyond the horizon), leaves me unsatisfied (not to put it otherwise). These superluminal continue a run away without giving us a chance to catch up. Where? Into infinity? To other universes? The space is infinite (and flat) - as the static universe? And what about Riemann bubble which is to model our backwater? And what about the CMB radiation? A lot of inconsistency.
Conclusion: The observable Universe is Everythingness. The boundary of Hubble horizon encloses everything. And what’s further? There is no point talking about it. The Universe is apparently the object of specific, not yet fully penetrated topological features, with the Möbius strip serving here as its pictorial (linear, not spatial) model. This particular topology imposes specific, cyclic changeability of the Universe.
     If the observable Universe is Everythingness, and moreover, its size is limited and clearly defined, the most natural thing is to determine its mass, and considering only the density parameter leaves one wanting. Satisfying this striving seems most reasonable. The accurate determination of its spatial dimensions makes it possible to estimate the mass of the Universe. Indeed, this will result in interesting conclusions (if not definite findings). Do all these outrageous thought of mine make you impatient? Don’t warry, is only the beginning.
3. Dark energy?
Something like this does not exist...

*) To exclude punctuality, that is infinite minuteness which does not agree with the reality of material existence, the singularity can be considered as an area of the Planck size.
**) Urela – Ultra-relativistic acceleration.
***) „Wszechświat grawitacji dualnej” - “The Universe of Dual Gravity” is to be published in second half of 2016.
****) At that moment there were only three elements: hydrogen, helium, and lithium Conditions for the synthesis of other elements were brought about only with the appearance of the stars. 
*****) For those interested I recommend an interesting article: ,,A Map of the Universe” by J.Richard Gott, Mario Jurić, David Shlegel, Fiona Hoyle, Michael Vogeley, Max Tegmark, Neta Bahcal, Jon Brinkmann. It appeared in Astrophysical Journal (Gott et al., 2005, ApJ, 624, 463)


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