wtorek, 19 lipca 2016

Hubble's law as observational confirmation of the cosmological principle...

Hubble's law as observational confirmation of the cosmological principle and of the model based on it.

1. Cosmological principle and Hubble's law. Reference. How to measure the distances of galaxies? Hubble's discovery. Observational determination of Hubble constant.
2. Hubble's law and the expansion of the Universe. Thoughts related to the rate of expansion.  „Interconnective" approach under censure   Relative speeds and the rate of expansion.
3. Dimensions of the Universe (determination of the radius of the

4. Continued considerations concerning cosmological speed and
     the pace of expansion (constancy – variability)
5. Age of the Universe and the variability of H factor
     Age of the Universe.  
     H factor varies with time


1. Cosmological principle and the Hubble’s law

The preceding article recalled the Copernican principle. This principle has been adopted by the world of science a priori, as a kind of axiom. Five hundred years ago, the very thought of the idea constituted a huge breakthrough. Today, it is accepted as something obvious to the extent that even its breaching by numerous hypotheses and theories is not thought to be a problem. It is simply not taken any more as a criterion for evaluation. It has become a common-sense margin and does not preoccupy the minds involved in "more serious" matters. A little further along this way and only historians of science will be talking about it. Is this as it should be that only them? Because nowadays nobody talks about the movement of galaxies as such. As we all know, today the only subject amongst cosmologists is the expansion of space. In this context, the cosmological principle is kind of irrelevant. Is that as it should be? I repeat the question even though it has become rhetorical in the light of the previous article. Indeed, the very fact of the existence of the invariant speed c derives directly from this principle. Compliance with the cosmological principle should be therefore used as a criterion for assessing cognitive initiatives, for undertaking research in cosmology and maybe not only in this field of research.
The main consequence of the adoption of cosmological principle in relation to the dynamics of objects having cosmological significance, was (see previous article) the hypothesis about the proportionality of their relative speeds to their mutual distance. Symbolically, it can be expressed by the equation: v/r = const. It's kind of anticipation. Is it confirmed by scientific research? Is it possible to determine the value of this constant? Before we tackle this issue, to get things in order, let us answer the question: How do they measure the distances of galaxies?
This is done primarily through observation of the stars. One of them is the Sun, but there are various types of stars. There are giants whose radiuses are greater than the radius of the orbit of Mars, and others that would encompass the whole Solar System; there are dwarf the size of a large planet, as well as neutron stars with a radius of the order of ten kilometers and of enormously great density. Our daily star is stable, but there are stars whose sizes and, of course, brightness, keeps changing. Among them, some pulsate regularly, some are more erratic, while others explode: Nova or Supernova.
1. Special mention should be given to stars called white giants. Thanks to their particular brightness, they are visible from afar. In vast majority they belong to the so-called first population. They are the young stars, forming even today, for example in open clusters. They are all formed from the matter containing a relatively large amount of heavy elements, the matter creating spiral arms*. White giants have been explored in some detail. We know their chemical composition and characteristics of their spectra, the estimated distance separating them from planet Earth, thus their absolute brightness. It's a relatively small distance. Incidentally, our Sun also belongs to the stars of the first population and is located in one of the spiral arms. Knowledge of the characteristics of the White Giants enables us to estimate the distances of galaxies by observing these types of stars, detected there. Star of the second population, older, are generally much further, most of them outside the disk of the Galaxy, but also in its center, which makes it much more difficult to calibrate their distance.
2. Astronomers have paid particular attention to cepheid variables. Their name comes from the name of the constellation in which the first one of them was discovered (δ Cephei). It was discovered in 1784 by an English amateur astronomer John Goodricke. These are giants pulsating regularly with a constant time intervals (from 1 to 50 days). At their maximum their brightness is 3-4 times greater than at their minimum. These characteristics (size and regularity of pulsation) provide the possibility of using them to measure the distances of galaxies in which they are perceived. It’s the existence of pulsations that helps in detection of these objects, even in galaxies which are not necessarily in our immediate neighborhood.  It turns out that there is a close relationship between the pulsation period and the (absolute) brightness of a star. Brightness is proportional to the logarithm of the pulse period, which means that the function M(LogT) is linear. The distance from the star to the observer does not affect the nature of that relationship. Therefore, knowing the visual brightness of a star (from measurement), and the period of its pulsation (that is, its absolute size), it is possible to calculate its distance. Here is the formula
where: m – visual brightness, M – absolute brightness, r –distance. See Introductory Information.
   Thanks to the existence of this relationship Hubble could determine the distance of a number of objects, in which he detected cepheid variables. And then it turned out that a significant number of the "nebulae" which were earlier thought to be part of the Milky Way,  were in fact separate galaxies, often not smaller than ours. In addition, thanks to the study of spectra, Hubble derived the radial velocity of distant objects. Although having a rather small amount of data, he decided, in relation to them, (as it is simply required by research procedures) to prepare a chart interlinking the designated parameters (distance and radial velocity). There will be more about it.
   In this context it’s worth mentioning the class of stars very much resembling cepheid variables by the relationship between their absolute brightness and the frequency of their pulsation. These are the stars of RR Lyrae variety (the first one of them was detected in 1901 in the Lyra constellation). Unlike the cepheid variables they  are the stars of the second population. In general, they move pretty fast relative to the Sun, moreover many of them, perhaps even most of them, are located outside the disk of the Galaxy. They are characterized by a relatively low concentration of metals. They are white or yellow-white giants, not as bright as cepheid variables. What’s important is that they are found in globular clusters (which is rare in case of cepheid variables). This made it possible to calculate the distances to these objects, and by the same token to estimate their (averaged) size. As extensive and relatively bright objects, globular clusters are visible also in other galaxies. So we have yet another way to estimate distance. By the way, we may mention the stars of W Virginis type (also of the second population) of similar (to cepheid variables) characteristics of pulsation, but weaker. Confusing these stars with cepheid variables had to result in an amplification of estimated distances. That’s what happened to Hubble. Not having found in the Andromeda galaxy any stars of RR Lyrae type, he concluded that the galaxy was more distant than in fact it was. This error was corrected by Baade.
3. Distance can be also determined on the basis of observations of explosions of supernovae. During the explosion of such a star, its brightness, within a very short time, increases by a factor of hundreds of millions. Such a star appears all of a sudden in one of the galaxies. Its gradual waning over time, that is its brightness over time characteristic, makes it possible to assign it to a particular type in the classification of supernovae, created on the basis of observation of their appearances in our galaxy, and thus to determine its absolute brightness. Most suitable for determining distance are the supernovae of Ia type, which characteristics of brightness changes are very similar. These supernovae are helpful in determining (significant) distances of galaxies for which cepheid variable method proves futile. There is a problem, however, related to their absolute brightness, the value of which has, understandably, a certain spread. Another problem is the rarity of a supernova. For this reason, astronomers have not (did not have until recently) sufficient observational data. For this reason the level of uncertainty in estimating the absolute magnitudes of these stars was until recently quite significant. More recently, thanks to the large number of registered supernovae of this type in a number of distant galaxies (in recent years there has been tremendous progress in the field of observational techniques), the Ia supernovae have turned out to be, as the saying goes, the standard candles, enabling fairly accurate determination of distance. But are they reliable?
   There are other methods apart from those mentioned above. However, these are the most often used, especially when it comes to the cosmological research. There are also used (where possible) simultaneous measurements by both aforementioned methods. In relation to particularly remote objects, such as quasars, there is also used another method, based on gravitational lensing. The results, though not completely accurate, allow however to draw far-reaching and fairly reliable conclusions, non-contradictory with the general cosmological concepts and physical theories describing the microcosm. 

    Hubble’s discovery                     

One of the most important methods of research in astrophysics is the spectral analysis. It enables us to determine the chemical composition of the examined objects, their thermodynamic parameters, as well as their movement. So let me explain how it works. It is known that the lines of a specific spectrum of a moving object are shifted with respect to the corresponding spectral lines viewed in a laboratory. The reason behind this is known as the Doppler Effect. Having (from observation) the magnitude of displacement of line (z) we can determine the speed of the object. The methods of measuring distance have been just discussed. And here we have an interesting question: is there any relationship between the speed of objects and their distance? [It is about the objects so far away that their local motions no longer play a role]. This question comes naturally, straight from the accumulation of observational data, one doesn’t even need to realize that it is directly associated with the cosmological principle. If there is no relationship and if we consider a sufficiently large number of objects, then the area enclosed within the axes speed and distance (OXY) should be covered be evenly spread points specified by these two parameters, since all pairs of numbers are possible. Such a result would mean that out of the two models complying with the cosmological principle and mentioned in the preceding article, the more acceptable would be the second one. For the record, this model assumes a static, infinite Universe.

   This study was conducted by Edwin Hubble, and it wasn’t his intention to confirm (or disprove) the cosmological principle. It was just an interesting, concrete, detailed research topic, which he had undertaken. First of all, he discovered that all non-local (those not belonging to the local group, that is not located in the vicinity of our galaxy) objects move away. In 1924 he discovered that the "spiral nebulae" (that’s how these objects were called at the time) are galaxies of the same order of magnitude as our Milky Way galaxy. In these galaxies they were visible (already in his day) cepheid variables - regularly pulsating giant stars. At that time the relationship between their period of pulsation and their absolute brightness was already known (since 1912). Visual brightness depends, of course, on the distance. So Hubble could determine the distance of galaxies. He could also compare the shifts of their spectra. So he could plot a graph.            In 1929, he announced the results of his research. Although he had a rather small set of data (not much more than a dozen reliable pairs of numbers), it turned out that already in this very limited set of data, there was quite clear linear relationship between the speed of a galaxy and its distance. Below is a graph resembling the one derived by Hubble. Thus his study showed directly proportional relationship between the relative speed of objects of cosmological significance, and their mutual distance. Although he didn’thave sufficiently rich collection of data,
he decided to publish the work, confident, and rightly so, that he made the discovery. In the graph the abscissa represents the ratio r/R (instead of the distance r - this is not the original diagram). Here R is the radius of the Universe, that is the distance corresponding to the speed of light - the greatest distance. Its value, shown on the chart, is consistent with the calculation below. The thing can be justified as follows:
The v/c ratio is important, if only due to the fact that it determines the shift of the spectral lines due to Doppler Effect.
   Further observations confirmed the discovery. It is interesting that the discovery surprised the world of science, and no one (of importance) thought that this is "just" a confirmation of the Principle known for several centuries. This observation itself was called Hubble’s law. It is written in the following form:
                                                   v = Hr                          (1)
Here: H – it is, obviously, the proportionality coefficient appearing, in anticipation directly resulting from the cosmological principle, as "const." (see previous article). It is called the Hubble constant.

Observational determination of Hubble constant
   To deduce the value of this coefficient, one must know the distance – we have just discussed the method of its determination - and the speed at which given object moves away. This value can be determined on the basis of the Doppler shift of spectrum (red-shift). In the preliminary information I provided the formula for the value of the shift:
Linking together the equations (1) and (2) we get: 
So we found the way to determine the Hubble constant. We see that for this purpose we need to know the relative displacement of the spectrum (towards the red), and the distance of the object. The first of these parameters, we can determine fairly accurately. [This does not guarantee however that the measured speed is the cosmological speed. We may deal, for example, with a galaxy receding from us for other, local, reasons (as it is the case with the galaxy M 31 which is actually moving in our direction). It is true and meaningful in relation to galaxies in our local cluster.]
     The problem is the distance. The accuracy of its measurement is conditioned by factors that are not always under our control. Not everything is a function of technological progress. The objects themselves (cepheid variables, supernovae) may differ slightly from one another. What must be also considered is the possible presence between us and the object, of matter which to some degree absorbs light. This undoubtedly bears an influence on the observable brightness of an object under our scrutiny. It is therefore necessary to make multiple measurements, directing telescopes in different directions. Statistical evaluation cannot be avoided.
     The value of the coefficient H has been estimated at: H = (15-20) km/s/per million light-years, or: H = (48.9-65.2) km/s/Mps. [Mps - Megaparsec, that is one million parsecs; 1 parsec is the distance of an object which has a parallax of 1” of arc. This means that it subtends an angle of one second using the radius of the Earth's orbit as the baseline and amounts to 3.26 light years] H is therefore just that searched observational parameter, which had to be determined, as I signalled (anticipation) in the preceding article, in consequence of the deliberations on the conclusions resulting from the cosmological principle (model third and fourth). This is not easy (hence the fairly wide range). For this purpose there have to be measured speed and distance of as many objects as possible. The outcome is the tilt of the resulting graph v(r) (straight line). The easiest to measure are the closest objects, but the problem is that their cosmological speeds are comparable to the speeds of random local movements, or even lower, and they may be even moving in opposite direction. A good example is the galaxy M31 in Andromeda, approaching us at a speed of about 300 km/s. And the further away objects? Determination of their distance is not certain. Besides, they represent younger Universe, from the times, as we will see further on, when the value of H factor was different. If it is constant (as a coefficient of proportionality), it is because Today it is the same in the whole Universe. If so, then there is indeed the global cosmological time – and here a reminder (from the previous article), that this is our time, the time that on Our clocks elapsed from the Big Bang.
     So it turns out that very distant galaxies, all without exception, are moving away from us, and their radial speeds are proportional to distance (which is clearly manifested in a sufficiently large data set of measurement). This finding is consistent, of course, with conclusions drawn from the cosmological principle, and it’s not spoilt by the fact that some of the closest galaxies, as I mentioned, are even approaching.
     In summary we can say that Hubble’s discovery: a) was an observational confirmation of the cosmological principle, and even the confirmation of our tentative model; b) allowed to determine the numerical value of the constant predicted by that simple model of ours; c) implies that the relative velocities are constant, or more precisely, that the ratio v/c is constant. The third point (for now it's just a suggestion), does not fully coincide with the current views, although it can be taken as a rather insignificant idealization. Further on it will turn out, however, that it actually contains a sizable load of heuristics.
     And therein lays the fundamental progress that has been made thanks to his discovery. It should be noted that the results of Hubble’s research, though they can be directly drawn from the cosmological principle, were not fully compliant with the “existing at the time” research dynamics. No wonder that this discovery surprised the world of science. Though it was not associated with the cosmological principle, it nevertheless constituted a strong heuristic incentive. But it so happened that the development of cosmology went, in my humble opinion, in the wrong direction. The new concept of space and the Universe based on the GTR have dominated cosmological research for the whole century (or longer, if we don’t count my modest contribution).
Also, in our time, even though we already know so much, we are occasionally surprised (despite the introduction of best models, based on the general theory of relativity). As the most classical example we can mention the darkening of supernovae – what prompted the "discovery" of dark energy, which was adopted with enthusiasm (and uncritically), since they were previously scheming with the cosmological constant, introduced and rejected by Einstein as his "greatest mistake" (if only in connection with the non-static and evolutionary Universe). Hubble's discovery was a surprise undermining "the mandatory" until then models of the static and infinite Universe. Yet the cosmological constant is still alive and flourishing today... Twists and turns of science. It's really an interesting contribution to the history of science. And at present? Also the present time is already history...

2. Hubble’s law and expansion of the Universe
Thoughts related to the rate of expansion. „Interconnective" approach under censure
    So we found that the Universe is expanding, because that is the direction of movement of the cosmologically relevant objects. Simply put, all the objects keep on moving away. Already in the preceding article, in consequence of the adoption of the cosmological principle, we assumed that there is an upper limit of the speed of objects, which is, of course, equal to the speed of light (with the resulting conclusion that the linear dimensions of the Universe are limited.) But still, let us ask, kind of playing fool, not for the last time anyway: What is the speed of expansion of the Universe? This “kind of foolish” question is one of the most fundamental. Is it the speed of “the attack front”? That’s how one can imagine the locus - a set of points moving at the maximum invariant speed c. As it will turn out, this “front” is quite significant and has deeper meaning. No less important is the answer to the question about relative speeds of distant celestial bodies. Of course, in the context of our discussion it is about the generalized relative speed of cosmologically relevant objects, not so much about some specific bodies. So we touch on the problem of the topology of the Universe which is certainly quite special, and which is undoubtedly quite a unique research topic. With the topology of the Universe, or rather with a set of premises for its discovery, I will deal later, in another article.
     At this stage of the discussion, we can imagine that the invariant “horizon” creates - from the point of view of a single observer - a spherical (in the sense of locus of absolutely the furthest point from any viewing directions), unsurpassable limit for countless objects moving away from us, and its speed is at the upper limit of their speeds in relation to ourselves, that is it is equal to c. This speed I named in the first (preceding) article, and I will continue to call it the speed of expansion (aware that generally the matter is approached differently).
In my work I approach many issues differently, in my own way. It can’t be helped. The model’s characteristics impose an appropriate set of concepts and definitions. This model differs moreover significantly from what is now accepted. This doesn’t automatically mean that it represents a serious alternative for today's convictions, but who knows... On the other hand, the need to prove that this second way is wrong, may give rise to some thoughts, some reflection. Or to intensified research? I kindly ask for some forbearance and a little patience. After all, I haven’t yet explained that there is a sense of running off the highway onto a bumpy lane running along the cavernous ridge and leading some... (where?) 
   This could lead to the thought that all objects existing in the Universe are "theoretically" visible (we do not consider here their brightness). Thus, in other words, what is observable constitutes the whole Universe. Beyond the c borderline nothing exists. You could even say that beyond the horizon determined by the invariant speed, there is even no space for space. So you can be tempted to claim that the Universe is the oneness and everythingness, that there are no other universes. Multiplying them is like multiplying entities beyond necessity. Is this multiplication of some use when we know so little about our Universe? I would say: That’s just a willy-nilly inertia of fantasy. But is it just an innocent inertia? Or rather that static and infinite Universe which fossilised in the minds. Like a stone in the gallbladder, which should be dissolved (it takes a long time) or the whole gallbladder surgically removed (although better not to rush with this removal)...
   Yet today it is believed (maybe rightly) that “speeds” (in quotes because it is about the time derivative of the scale factor) may vary. So we can talk about slowing down (or accelerating) expansion. Moreover, the visibility of objects means the existence of contact, which is conditioned by the speed of light. This opens the possibility of the existence of beings that are beyond the horizon (“their light has not yet reached us”), the possibility that some parts of the Universe are not visible. As we can see, it's a different horizon. It is a horizon based on “paradigm of interconnections”** (that’s how I called it). It is frequently called the horizon of particles.
   So this interconnective approach (“we can see an object due to the fact that the photons it sends have already reached us, and we cannot see those entities from which light has not yet arrived”) seems logical and well-founded. But here we do not take into account the fact (as for now it has been the fact for a long time) that there was the Big Bang, that at some point we were all together and we are continuously until today in visual contact, we’ve seen each other throughout this time. Interesting that this (“interconnective”) approach  was in force even before Hubble made his discovery, even at a time when it was thought that the Universe is static and infinite (which was justified at the time). And so it remained. Contrary to appearances, it is quite important (especially for historians of science), and perhaps in some ways symptomatic. In the previously published books, as well as in our articles, this interconnective approach is, expressing it euphemistically, subject to verification.

Relative speeds and the rate of expansion
     So how is it with those relative speeds? It is of course about the general trend and not merely a selected pair of objects. Actually one should ask (at this point) otherwise: Is the relative speed of objects constant over time? Well, until recently, at least intuitively, it was thought that it decreases due to gravity, just as the body tossed up slows down, eventually stops, and then falls back. Today, it is widely believed that it increases due to dark energy. However, it is still something new, not yet finally confirmed (which did not interfere with granting the Nobel Prize). [Here it should be noted that it is generally imagined as a normal movement, and not as a change of scale factor in the expanding space, contrary to the actually held opinions.] In one of the following articles I will address this issue, indicating quite another possible reason of the observed effect (concerning supernovae - the supposed dark energy). For now, it should be noted that the direct measurement of the possible changes in (cosmological) speeds is not possible. Even if they occur, they are too slow. The thing is determined using an indirect approach. The problem is, however, that these findings do not represent absolute truth, that they may be just a reflection of the current views.
   Let us try to present the matter in a more univocal and general way. For this purpose, we introduce (at least tentatively) the concept of the coefficient of relative expansion. So as to define it, let’s imagine two galaxies, at different distance from us. They are moving away from us at different speeds. Let's ask: What is the difference in their speed per unit difference of their distances from us? If the speeds difference per unit difference of distances is large (speed during "distancing" is growing faster), it means greater rate of expansion. This question can be symbolized as follows: 
  Here is the answer based on the Hubble`s law:
As we can see, it is exactly the Hubble`s factor which is the coefficient of relative expansion and it defines the rate of expansion. Let’s note that this value does not depend on which pair of objects we choose. In this sense, it is a constant value. Constant in space. Is it constant over time? Soon we will see that the H factor changes with time. Does that automatically mean the change of the relative speeds? According to our model, these speeds should be constant, while the difference in distance is widening. Thus, the H factor should decrease with time. We'll see about it further on. But we can already note that judging by the existence of the upper limit of the relative speeds, we can conclude that the expansion rate should be decreasing. 

     Also, according to today's view of things, the H factor is the parameter determining the pace of expansion. Currently the basis for cosmological speculation is the Friedmann equation derived from the general theory of relativity. So it is about the expansion of space, and not about the movement as such of specific objects. As for the H “parameter”, nowadays it is defined as follows:
Here, a is the already mentioned above, the so-called scale factor, which corresponds to a distance associated with the actual movement of matter, while a with a dot above it (in the numerator) is the time derivative corresponding to speed (in the traditional understanding of motion). This approach is not, however, consistent with the concept presented in this work. I emphasize: the approach rather than the final (for ever and ever) determination.
   I noticed above that the H factor expresses the rate of expansion of the Universe. In this work, apart from the rate of expansion we have also the more intuitive concept of the speed of expansion. They are obviously not the same. So what about the relative speeds? “Speeds? After all, it's about space, which puffs up slower and slower or faster and faster.” But I wonder about speeds. Naive cosmology? ... We'll see further on. Today it is believed without a shred of doubt that the change applies only to the metrics of space, its curvature. Until recently it was thought that the "speeds" decrease, today that they increase. Nobody suspects the Universe of the constancy of relative speeds which would describe, moreover, the real, the actual relative movement of objects (and not the growth rate of the scale factor). Ideals are for philosophers.
– And what about the cosmological principle?
– Of course, the tendency, whichever way, is to apply to all objects of cosmological importance (appropriately remote). “If the rate decreases (increases) to the same extent for each observer, then the rule is fulfilled. Along with that the Universe is expanding. Its curvature is decreasing, which means that the “power” of gravity is progressively weakening. Thus, the gravitational deceleration of expansion is getting weaker, which in subjective perception could mean its acceleration (even without taking into account the dark energy).” In that simplified way the matter could be resolved by a lover of astronomy who would be asking at the same time: “How this curvature (whatever it is) has to do with observationally ascertained flatness of the geometry of the Universe?” As one can see, the case is far from closed (not only for amateurs).   
   For now, we can venture an opinion that the standard Universe (rather in another standard), in accordance with the concept preferred here, is as a whole expanding at the speed of light. This expansion would be actually the Hubble’s expansion. If a point is moving away from us continuously from the very beginning at the invariant speed c, then today it is away from us to the maximum extent. The distance at which it is located we shall call the Hubble’s Radius of the Universe. Soon in another article we will link it the Gravitational Radius of the Universe. Specific objects are, of course, closer. Is everything that is closer visible? Is Hubble’s horizon of the Universe coinciding with the interconnective horizon? Is there (in spite of everything) something beyond the horizon? Here are some exemplary questions which sooner or later we will have to face. But not everything at once. However let's already try to answer the question: What represents the horizon itself? Is it just some “front”, which is the locus of points, the speed of which is equal to c? Well, this front is also the place of the Explosion. There-Then in happened. The idea is that straight after this event this horizon was very close to us, just at our reach. From that moment it moves away at the speed of light and now it's already a “sphere” constituting the end of the Universe and it is there where the secret of genesis is guarded. The farther we can see, the more ancient times unravel in front of our eyes, all the way to the beginnings at the c border. [And further away?... We could search for the disintegration of the collapsing universe, before the BB (if it oscillates).] How far away is the horizon today? How much time has passed since the Explosion? We will attempt to answer these questions in the continuation of our discussion.

3. Dimensions of the Universe (determination of the radius of the horizon)   
   As we have already stated, the Hubble’s horizon is at the distance corresponding to the maximum speed c. Let us write the Hubble’s law in relation to this speed limit c:

                                             V = Hr   ó   r = v/H  →  R = c/H
When  v = c, we get: R = c/H. It is easy to calculate the distance (R). It amounts to 15 billion light years, if the H factor equals 20 (round number, comfortable for estimations, and also quite close to the one currently accepted as the most probable). It is believed that it is slightly larger, which is confirmed by recent CMB (cosmic microwave background) studies, about which more in another article. They "confirm" but, which is significant, within the model currently accepted... I would add that in the context of reflections related to the above-mentioned books, and, of course, to further articles of this collection, the actual value of the H factor is not of a decisive importance, moreover, in our considerations “exact” value of H factor does not matter. Discerning objects at distances greater than our assumed: 15*** billion light years (even if one assumes the possibility of their existence), is not possible - not because the light from there has not yet reached us, but because, further on there aren’t any material forms. [Unless it would be possible to perceive the Universe before the Big Bang - today it’s just a fantasy for filmmakers.] In this context, the natural thing is to accept the thesis that the Horizon of the Universe, that which reaches furthest and makes the boundary between being and non-being, is a quasi-sphere of Hubble radius R. “Quasi” because of a specific topology that Universe certainly represents. There will be more about it.

   The objects known to us as the most distant are called quasars (quasi-stellar objects). The relative shift of the spectrum towards red (z) with respect to these objects exceeds even the number 4 (until recently, the record holder was a quasar, for which z = 5.96 and today there is talk about objects for which z is greater than 10). It is easy to calculate the speed at which the quasar (z = 4) moves away from us. This amounts to approximately 276923km/s. Is it a constant speed? Was it the same, let say, 2 billion years ago? Patience. The distance from our quasar is calculated, obviously, from the Hubble’s law: r = 13.85 billion light-years (for the constant H=20). It's pretty far, less than half a billion light-years from the horizon. It is easy to show that even in relation to the object whose z = 10 or more, we won’t get the value of speed equal to or greater than c, neither we’ll get larger distance than (or equal to) 15 billion light-years (for H=20). The basis for these calculations is the relativistic equation****:
 As a reminder: λ wavelength; β = v/c.

4. Continued considerations concerning the cosmological speed
    and thepace of expansion (constancy – variability)
     The term currently used is the "rate of expansion." I defined it above. On my part, I introduced the concept of "speed expansion" whose semantic sense is different. The rate of expansion  is expressed by H factor, which informs to what extent the relative (cosmological) speed  increases with distance – in a collection of various objects (and not depending on time). [It’s irrelevant whether it’s about the movement as such, or about the variability of scale factor.] The rate of expansion is simply the upper limit of the relative speeds and it amounts to c. When studying the expansion we should first and foremost track any rate changes, that is the value of the H factor. However, in this chapter we’ll be dealing with the actual speed of the relative motion of objects, and not with changes of scale factor a. In addition, we may already propose the constancy in time, though not of the relative speed itself, but of its ratio to the speed of light b = v/c. We may tentatively call this value “the specific relative speed.” The point is that the magnitude of the Doppler shift of spectral lines is expressed by means of this particular b value. Thus, there is an option, at least theoretically, that c may vary, which would also entail the (proportional) changeability of v value. If c does not change, then the relative speed v is constant. Also to this issue we will come back at a right moment.     
     The discovered by Hubble, and anticipated by ourselves, proportionality of relative speed and distance implies that if we “re-tracked the film”, we would find that the Universe shrinks and all the heavenly bodies, all galaxies are approaching one another, to eventually, at one time, becoming a point, or rather a drop, so as to consistently exclude singularity. By the way, even a droplet of one kilometre would be something very peculiar in comparison with the enormity of what we experience looking at the sky. Thus the Universe has its beginning: the Great Explosion. George Gamow called it the “Big Bang”. In short, it is often written as BB or GE. Was it an absolute beginning? I think rather a distinguished moment of a continuous oscillation.
Do we really need to get all together sometime in the distant future? Or will there come the time when the “film” will be played backwards? Is the development of the Universe cyclical? Such a suggestion has already appeared in the preceding article dealing with the cosmological principle, for instance in the passage:The mere existence of a universal movement, including the relationship between the speed of objects and their mutual distances, would suggest, either: 1. The existence of absolute beginning (once in the past) or: 2. Continuous drive from an infinitely distant past to the final end, when everything shrinks to a point, or else: 3. The cyclicity of changes What's better?.” Regardless, let’s note that if the Universe is expanding into infinity, the relative speed of the galaxies can increase (acceleration), remain constant, or even gradually decreases, though asymptotically, to zero (coming to zero at infinity). Is therefore no possibility of a reversal, of a chance for the Universe to return to the “starting point”, so that its development has a cyclical nature? This is the option preferred by some inner need, probably not only mine. Is it right? How does this relate to the postulate of the constancy of relative speeds? Or maybe for this reversal to take place, the speed should decrease appropriately fast? Decrease???  And in case it decreases, what would happen with the horizon? Where the horizon, and where the galaxies? In this situation horizon should be much further than the most distant quasars. “Zone of Silence”? I think it's incoherent. And what comes from observation? That those furthest are quite close to the horizon, that is, the radial speed is quite close to the speed of light. Does this answer the above questions? It rather makes them stronger. These are just some of the questions which we will try to answer (at least some of them) so as to… provoke the next avalanche of questions, and thanks to their content once again lift the veil of eternal mystery. Science develops when questions prevail over answers. And today? I think the opposite is true.
   According to the concept presented here, Hubble's law is about the proportionality of the relative speeds of objects to their mutual distance. If this is true today, it is always true, which means that time is not here a parameter in relation to the general spatial trend (Hubble's law). This does not, however, apply to any possible changes (in time) of relative speeds, regardless of the fairly (already) categorical judgment about the constancy of the specific speed. [I do not mean slowdown as a result of gravity (Friedmann), neither do I mean acceleration due to dark energy.] The point is that in another moment the relative speeds may be different, but then everywhere, because of possible changes in the speed of light. For no other reason. If they are changing, they should do so as not to violate the Hubble’s law, which if valid today, is valid forever. After all, it expresses the cosmological principle, which constitutes (?) the intellectual basis for the generally accepted vision of the World, a vision that has a good chance to coincide with the objective reality. However, this principle applies to the particular state of the Universe, and therefore not its evolution. Time plays no role here. The Hubble constant itself is constant in space. Or is it also constant in time? In a moment we will find out that the variation of Hubble factor lies in the essence of the law itself.
Indeed, relative velocities may change, after all we proposed only the constancy of specific speeds (v/c). And if the relative speed actually changes? In this situation, the changeability of the relative speed would mean variability of the invariant speed c. If it actually declines, it is rather probable that it tends to zero. And in this (let’s say) zero moment there will be an inversion and the Universe would begin to shrink. Here lies the meaning of the oscillation of the Universe - not in a slowdown as a result of gravity (based on the Friedmann equations) in an image of the stone thrown upwards. Let’s add that some observations seem to indicate that the invariant c changes (changeability of the fine structure constant). For now, however, the case is not clear. But in spite of all, some basis for such modelling exist. Add to this that c is an electrodynamic constant and, as such, in certain specific circumstances may be different (I omit here the influence of the medium on speed). The mechanism of changes of the actual invariant, changes of cosmological character, may not relate to it in any way. Then we would have the problem concerning measurement of these changes (“what would serve as a basis "). We will come back to this topic.
     So I will stand by the affirmation (even not a supposition in the sense of postulate, as I put it above) that the relative velocity is constant over time, at least when it comes to the value of v/c. That’s because, as we shall see, it leads to the model which is quite coherent (and to my taste). Moreover, the assumption of variability of relative speeds (acceleration or delay of expansion), while at the same time assuming a priori the constancy of invariant c, would require finding (or invoking) physical reasons behind it, and also sorting out the resulting problems - the necessity of such a presentation of things, that they would not infringe on Hubble's law, would not undermine the cosmological principle and, most importantly, that they would be consistent with observations. Of course, here we think about movement in the Newtonian sense. Despite appearances, the "gravitational pull which slows down expansion or repulsion by dark energy", are really very troublesome things, and numerous attempts which I undertook to describe accelerated or delayed expansion came to naught because they lead either to a clear contradiction, or to an incoherent image of reality due to excessive scheming and speculation, along with the danger of multiplying entities beyond need. Such presentation of the matter, that is resignation from acceleration and deceleration, is actually supported by the fact that the visible Universe, in a global scale, is homogeneous. We can think about attraction or repulsion only in relation to local objects. Thus, at least for the moment, it makes sense to insist on the constancy of speed (in any case, relative to c). If this will lead to contradictory results, we can always pull back and take a different path or return to the more frequented route.***** 
     “The above stated motivations in favour of the thesis about the constancy of relative speed of expansion are not convincing. Now, the measurement of the speed of distant objects is based on spectral analysis. Such was the speed of the given quasar at the time when it was sending those photons, which have just reached us. And today? Its speed can be different - higher or lower. 
     Is that a fair doubt? Yes, but seemingly. We'll see about that later. For now, look at the last sentence (before the quote in italics). Besides, it is worth noting for the record that at the moment of explosion all objects of the Universe had to be together, formed one integrated whole, and with all of them, the whole time from BB (Big Bang), we are in visual contact. As for cosmological objects, to see them, we do not have to wait for the proverbial photons. [Something else, the events having nothing to do with cosmology, for example, an explosion of supernova.] This is an extremely important occurrence. It is, moreover, consistent with the Hubble’s law. However, many seem to be oblivious to this  circumstance. But the conclusions which may be drawn from its apprehension in an appropriate context of thoughts, may be of considerable heuristic importance. With this statement I anticipated the facts, because the acceptance of the fact that the Big Bang occurred came only after the discovery of CMB radiation.
5. Age of the Universe and the variability of the H factor.
Age of the Universe  
     Let's choose a random galaxy at r distance from us, which is moving away at speed v. The Universe expands, so let us ask: When the distance between us was equal to zero? It doesn’t matter how we looked at the time. When (how many years ago), we were all, the Universe, in one point (or to avoid singularities, within the “sphere” of a very small size)? Well, the time needed to get us back there is equal to: t = r/v. As you can see, we assume that the relative velocity is constant. This assumption, even if uttered “in whisper” is not contrary to the general, even current, views - in terms of the raw material, base. [If the speed varies with any changes of c (and not, for example, under the influence of dark energy), then to determine the time exactly, we should know the nature of changes of the invariant c. And for that it’s a bit too early.] Let’s assume that another galaxy is located two times farther than the first one (2r). Its speed is, therefore, equal to 2v. It’s not difficult to notice that it took the same time. No wonder, since back then we were all together. When was it? The best way to find out is to use the radius of the horizon and the speed of light: t = r/v = R/c. We can immediately see that:  
                                                                     t = 1/H                          (*)
And so we get the physical sense of the H factor as the inverse of the age of the Universe. Thus we immediately get the age. Actually, we already know it. Since the horizon is at a distance of about 15 billion light years away (assuming the tentatively agreed value of the H factor to be 20), and the radius R is the distance corresponding to the speed equal to c. How much time the light would need to move away from us fifteen billion light years? Of course, the time equal to the number of years. This number is obviously an example, just as our assumed value of the H factor. I remind you that we received it based on the assumption of the constancy of relative speeds. Here it is worth noting that according to the general opinion, the true age of the Universe is different than the "ideal", estimated on the basis of the Hubble’s law. This "ideal" is sometimes called the Hubble age. This supposedly true results from the Friedmann equation and takes account of dark energy (and therefore of the cosmological constant), and the characteristics of the CMB radiation. According to the latest data it amounts to 13.8 billion years. Incidentally, it is interesting that Einstein rejected the cosmological constant, when after Hubble’s discovery the Friedmann equation became the basic equation of cosmology. He came to conclusion that the introduction of L constant was his biggest mistake. Well, the twists and turns of the history of science.
     The Universe, according to the currently binding view is therefore younger. The reason for this lies in the rate of expansion which, according to the currently accepted “standard” model, was formerly greater than it is today. According to this model, the expansion rate gradually decreased due to universal gravitation and after 7 billion years since the Big Bang it increases more and more because of dark energy. Incidentally, this is a serious inconsistency, which I already addressed in the first article. I will come back to it later and will propose more consistent solution of this issue.
     I think that there are fundamental reasons for which the speed of expansion of the Universe is equal to c. Our calculations are approximate, even in relation to our models that understandably present an approximate image of reality which is unambiguous, an idealization of all models combined. So let’s not be afraid to use idealizations in the search for the objective truth. But this is not the only argument. It is not just about aesthetics.
    We have started above with the assumption that the relative speed of specified two galaxies (of the cosmological significance) is constant over time (in any case in relation to c). In the past, even distant past, their relative speed was therefore the same. It follows that the distance, determined by the Hubble’s law, of these two objects depends only on the values H factor. Also the current size of the Universe is determined by the current value of H factor. Change of the distance (the Universe is expanding) suggests change over time of this factor, incidentally, determined on the basis of observation presenting the current state of affairs******. So we can assume (at least hypothetically) that the distance determined on the basis of observation is the real, current distance (when not taking into account the uncertainty as to the value of H). It is the real, not “historical”, distance, based on contact (via photons) between us and the object. But we have to remember that the determination of H is possible on the basis of measurements concerning objects of cosmological importance, that is distant objects. And this slightly overstates the result, since we are looking into the past, and formerly - according to our findings above (concerning the physical sense of the H factor) - the value of H was higher. We will come back to this statement in a moment.
H factor varies with time
   Above we noted that H is constant in space, that is the same everywhere, in accordance, as a matter of fact, with the cosmological principle. But it is different with respect to time. Suffice to note that H changes with time (decreases) because (even) at a constant relative speed, it the distance increases (the denominator in the fraction expressing H in Hubble’s law) – galaxies recede. The fact that the H factor is changing in time, results also, and immediately, form the formula (*). After all, the time from the beginning of everything passes away and the number which expresses it is getting bigger. Time is the only quantity that cannot be a constant parameter, it does not stop and goes only forward. We can assume that it was always like that, because our time cannot be considered as exceptional, even if elsewhere the clock shows a different time. It is about the universal, cosmic time. Formula (*) indicates that the graph changes of H factor is a hyperbole (it’s about an inversely proportional relationship), if we don’t take into account any possible changes of the invariant c. It is about the magnitude of this value at our place, the value which changes, though of course at a pace too slow to attempt any measurement of the change in a reasonable time span (like million years). It is possible, however, to determine the magnitude of this value in a distant past, thanks to the observation of very distant objects, where time, according to our view, flows more slowly because of their relativistic speed (judging by the discussion conducted in this work) – there will be more about it later, in one of the following articles.
     By the way, let’s note that the H factor decreases in proportion to time, while the distance increases proportionally to time. Thus the relative speed, according to the Hubble’s law does not change. Any “misgivings” about the actual variation of speed would be therefore unwarranted.

*) The cosmogony of galaxies, and thus also the creation of spiral arms will be discussed in particular in the essay entitled “How the galaxies came into being”. It will be also explained why the stars from spiral arms contain, for the most part, a relatively large amount of metals (that’s how the astrophysicists call all elements heavier than helium). Here, anticipating the case, I will mention that according to the model proposed there, the spiral arms formed as secondary objects, when the proto-galactic object was already full of stars (today belonging to the so-called second population, or in fact the third, according to today's trend).
 **) “The interconnective paradigm”, coinciding with today's understanding of the issue, accepts the existence of "the interconnective horizon" (That’s how I have called the horizon of particles). It is the distance covered by photons coming from the farthest object that we can still see, because to see it, we have to wait for these photons. The “interconnective” approach, characterizing the current state of cosmological opinions is based on the paradigm of observability; put it simply: “we see thanks to photons which came from those places.” This implies the possibility of the existence of objects outside the visible Universe. This doctrine (commonly accepted outright as an axiom), in relation to the cosmological issues “forgets” that sometime in the past, “we were all together”, that there was the Big Bang, which has been confirmed observationally. From that moment on, “we are all without exception in visual contact with each other” and there is no need for some “photon messengers” to see object of a cosmological significance. Thus, the observed Universe is Everything. The horizon itself is a kind of topological manifold. And in this manner, I think, the notion of Horizon should be generally treated. The generally accepted nomenclature uses the term "cosmological horizon", which coincides with the horizon of particles. It is determined on the basis of GTR. Currently (since quite recently) the cosmological constant has entered the scene.  
     In another article I will present this “classic” description of things in a systematic way, so as to confront it with the approach used in this work. By the way, it is interesting that Grigory Perelman (b. 1966 - Russia) proved the famous Poincaré’s hypothesis in a surprising (for mathematicians-topologists) way – he is a mathematical physicist, and the basis for proof were considerations of a cosmological character. There will be more about the topology of the Universe.
***) In all the calculations based on Hubble’s law I don’t take into consideration any corrections and clarifications resulting from the general theory of relativity. Of course, I am also disregarding (as non-existent) the effects associated with the hypothetical dark energy. For this reason the adopted today as certain 13.7-8 billion years as the age of the Universe - I utterly reject. For two reasons. 1. For me of primary importance is the qualitative aspect, as well as clarity and transparency of arguments, even at the cost of precision demanded by mathematical requirements and even if they don’t comply with the current opinions; 2. To this day, the problem of the age of stars in globular clusters have not been fully resolved, until recently it was estimated at 15 billion years; 3. These articles are the result of individual studies, that is conducted solely by one person, and constituting an arrogant attempt to create a more or less all-encompassing model of the Universe not based on GTR and not taking into account the wrong, in my humble opinion, interpretation of the dimming of supernovae (dark energy). In an essay under the telling title: Horizontal Disaster I justify my reproachful attitude.
****) The full derivation of this formula you will find, among others, in my book: Elementary introduction to the special theory of relativity a bit (...) differently (in Polish language)
 *****) As we will find out later, the results won’t be contradictory. In the essay on neutrinos I presented the physical cause of the observed (in disbelief), absolute flatness of the geometry of the Universe, why there is no global attraction, neither repulsion, that the flatness problem is an apparent problem, and the original cause is ignorance of the existence of the duality of gravity.
******) It does not matter that this concerns objects very far away, and therefore, that it takes very long assumed time before the light which they emit reaches us. As we will soon find out, the interconnective problem associated with photon journey will be resolved in a rather surprising way.

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