Are currently accepted views about the universe
absolutely correct?
Is general relativity
really the correct tool for describing the universe as a whole? On the one
hand, we have a cosmological principle, and on the other hand, a model based on
general relativity. The
cosmological principle defines the universe as nonlocal, and general relativity
is a local theory. Today's vision of the Universe is based on the one hand on
this theory, and on the other hand on the interpretation (not necessarily
correct) of the results of observations.
Today, as is commonly believed, the expansion of the universe is not
related to motion in the classical sense, but is the result of changes in the geometry
of the universe (changes in curvature). Is it true? Suppose yes. If so, there
is a possibility of "accelerated motion" because it is not about
forces, but about the expansion of space. In this sense, the Newtonian (force)
model is not relevant. [We remind you that according to the cosmological
principle, the resultant force acting on any object of cosmological
significance is equal to zero. This is consistent with the thesis that the
relative motion of objects of cosmological significance is inertial (uniform)
motion.] Although the cosmological principle allows for acceleration (if
proportional to distance), doubts and questions arise immediately: What is the
reason for the acceleration (if any)? Is it an "outward" acceleration
although gravity acts in the opposite direction, although General Relativity
only describes gravity attraction? [Here I am omitting the "cosmological
constant" that Einstein added to his equation, and fourteen years later he
gave it up when it became clear that the universe was not static.]
Suppose there is acceleration after all. The speed increases in
proportion to time, and also, as previously assumed, in proportion to the
distance - accelerated expansion. Under these conditions, the speed of the
quasars should be very high. Is their speed greater than the speed detected in
the observation (spectrum)? Not of course. But this would indicate that the
universe is much smaller than we think. Is it testable? In this situation, is
the speed of the galaxies really proportional to the distance (as we expected -
see the formula in article 7)? Observation will decide. Wait patiently.
Regardless, the universe in quasar times was much smaller than today -
then gravity (attraction), according to the cosmology based on general
relativity, was much stronger than today - counteracting expansion (against
outward acceleration) more strongly. Besides, where does this outward
acceleration come from? Something's not right here.
So maybe the acceleration decreases with distance? If so, the
acceleration of the nearest galaxies should be the greatest. But we do not
state this. However, we know that the Andromeda Galaxy is even approaching us
at a speed of about 300 km / h. We can see that this option is also
Perhaps the retard of movement of galaxies, decreases with time, but
more and more with distance? If so, then the speed of the quasars should
decrease very quickly, as opposed to the fact that they move very fast relative
to us. So this option is also not remarkable. What if acceleration increases
over time? So here with us it must be very high (not to mention speed). We do
not detect it. In addition, currently, global gravity (which is supposed to
inhibit expansion) is expected to be less than in the past when the universe
was smaller (according to general relativity). Also this option is not
In conclusion, any option other than the expansion of the universe at a constant speed is problematic and even unacceptable. And yet scientists cling to the cosmology based on general relativity (they know no other option) and dream of describing the universe with the help of a cosmological constant that supposedly accelerates expansion (there was no other idea, and you have to move forward). Yet Albert Einstein called the cosmological constant his greatest mistake. In my humble opinion, contrary to today's beliefs, he was right.
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