1. The density of the Universe in the first
(Newtonian) approach. Short introductory resume.
Flatness of the geometry of the Universe. Calculation of density of the
Universe. Density dependence on
2. Critical density. Calculation of the critical density using
simplified Weinberg’s
method. Calculation
on the basis of
Friedmann equation.
1. The density of the Universe in the first
(Newtonian) approach Those who will say to
themselves: "Here it goes, the continuation of that naïve cosmology"
surely won’t read it. The previous article they also left unread with a sense
of superiority of an "initiate". And I go on. I envy those who are so
sure of everything.
Short introductory resume In the
preceding article we have concluded that he mass of the Universe (meaning the Contractual Mass of Universe (CMU)) gradually increases, moreover it increases in coordination with the
increase in its size. This makes me (not just me) ask the questions: What is
its density? Does it remain constant? Of course not, because the volume
increases faster than the mass, in proportion to the third power of the
parameter defining the dimensions and it does not matter what is the actual
topology of the Universe. However, so as to estimate (density), we should
perform the appropriate calculations. For this purpose, we assume (tentatively)
that the Universe is a sphere with a radius equal to the Schwarzschild radius.
This can be done provided that the geometry of the Universe is flat*. This is,
of course, an oversimplification, but let's not quarrel about the values of
small deviations. It does not preclude the main goal. Is the geometry of the Universe
really flat? According to the concept of this work, the flatness of space is an
inherent feature of the Universe as a whole. The rationale for such a view is the
assertion that "the building stuff of space is the relative motion of
material objects." Motivational basis for this approach is also embodied
in one of the (already stated) conclusions based on the cosmological principle,
indicating that the resultant intensity of the global gravitational field is
equal to zero. So this is not about the expansion of curved (by
gravity) space - as it is thought in relation to the fact that today's
cosmology is based on the field equations of general theory of relativity (GTR).
It is interesting that with this, according to today's views, the expansion has
not been caused by gravity, since it "only attracts". [And
pressures? They were introduced to justify the possibility of repulsion by
those unaware of the possibility of dual gravity. According to the hypothesis
of inflation, at some point there was great pressure, which was equated with a
negative gravity. In general, pressure is the second, besides attraction,
element in the description of the Universe on the basis of GTR. For this
reason, there are three options for the development of expansion (Friedmann’s
models).] The Explosion itself together with inflation is a matter of quantum
field theory (some mismatches, vacuum energy, the Higgs field, the inflation
field bubble, etc.), in which gravity is neglected, even ignored. But after
inflation, development of the object proceeded according to GTR equations and
the theory of gravity. It ought to be admitted that its field equations contain
all options of the beginnings, without going into the processes at the level of
the structure of matter (...).
While I
persistently claim that the cause of expansion is in fact gravity. Dual
Gravity. So there was no baton transfer as in a relay. This is clearly indicated
in articles 4-7.
Currently, as I have noted
above, the causes of the Explosion are attributed to the quantum microstructure
of being, the vacuum energy recognized as an indisputable fact, and its
fluctuation all of a sudden, which was to lead directly to the Big Bang. It was
then that time allegedly began its existence (And what was before?). “First (right
after the beginning) the events were caused by fluctuation of some inflation
field, existing through the concept of inflation, then gravity started its work
(when this something became flesh), which essence is solely attraction,
although the Universe (exclusively) was fitted with the repulsion chip
(pressure generated by the "dust"), and then, relatively recently, Einstein’s
mistake was reactivated, that is the cosmological constant, and it was
associates with the "invention" of dark energy..." Muddle? The less we understand nature the more complex
it becomes.
And exactly where this vacuum energy comes from? The hypothesis of its
existence derives from calculations within the framework of the quantum field
theory. So it is huge, given the scale of our perception. I am full of
admiration for scholars who have come to this without in any way considering
gravity (the one in sub-dimensions, gravity at the Planck scale). By the way,
at great cost of time and work by the greatest minds. I had it a lot easier,
thanks to them.
Considering the elementary gravity (articles
5-8) we discover another world – let’s just remember the (absolute) maximum
force of attraction between the two plankons, enormous even in astronomical
scale. Let’s recall still greater (64X), maximum repulsive force of gravity – it
is exactly this force which caused that event which we call the Big Bang. I
think that the reader can already guess everything. Is it really about a
mysterious vacuum energy, detectable only in the equations of quantum field
theory (and not in experience); about nothingness masking potential enormity?
The enormity of what? It borders on mysticism. Rather not gravity, I think, which
is not recognized by the quantum mechanics. This (masking) is facilitated by
the fact that in the atomic scale and in the scale of particles, as well as in
our macroscopic scale, gravity is extremely weak. But we (and only we here) already
know that the cause of this weakness is the almost total compensation of
gravitational forces in the subatomic scale. Thanks to what? Thanks to dual
gravity, thanks to the existence of a niche, gravitational potential energy - a
place where particles can be created. So there are particles, atoms, there is
the whole of our world. After all, if somewhere deep there was no repulsion,
everything would disappear in an infinite black abyss. Could the matter at all
come into existence? Nobody cares. "But we have the Pauli exclusion
principle." And where does it come from? The job is performed by equations.
Flatness of the geometry of the Universe.
And in the scale of our senses? At present the subject is based on the Friedmann equation (including the cosmological constant and dark energy) and on current knowledge of the microworld (quantum mechanics), while the unfortunate, " flatness of the Universe" is the result of observation. Is something wrong? Also the mathematical superstructure pretending to the role of the base, even absolute, and argumentation based on it plays here its prominent (if not fundamental) role. Is that how it should be? Rather not. The effect should not precede the cause. Nature does not need to adapt to the connotations resulting from equations devised to the extent of human's limited capabilities.
And in the scale of our senses? At present the subject is based on the Friedmann equation (including the cosmological constant and dark energy) and on current knowledge of the microworld (quantum mechanics), while the unfortunate, " flatness of the Universe" is the result of observation. Is something wrong? Also the mathematical superstructure pretending to the role of the base, even absolute, and argumentation based on it plays here its prominent (if not fundamental) role. Is that how it should be? Rather not. The effect should not precede the cause. Nature does not need to adapt to the connotations resulting from equations devised to the extent of human's limited capabilities.
Flatness means that the density parameter (ratio of
the average density of the Universe to the critical density) Ω = 1. As the most
reliable calculations (of course based on the Friedmann equation - not
necessarily correct) indicate, if in the first second from the beginning of the
expansion this parameter was only slightly greater than unity, the Universe
would have collapsed long time ago. If it were only slightly less than unity,
the atoms could not be created (as a result of too rapid dissipation of
matter). We just wouldn’t exist. And yet maybe even as much as 15 billion years
have passed from the start of expansion. Robert Dicke in one of his lectures
presented it in a very demonstrative way: „When the age of the universe was
equal to one second, the value of the parameter Ω could not exceed the range of
1±0.00000000000000001", for the Universe to have current features of the
structure of matter and the dynamics of development**. The flatness
problem. Strange balancing of the Universe on the rope of a hair thickness. Is
that the reason for the adoption of the anthropic principle? Personally, I
reject this principle, seeing it even as a kind of mysticism (in a
materialistic frame). Reason: below. By the way, earlier, already in the
initial part of the previous article I stated that due to the inherent flatness
of the space of the Universe, "criticality" is the only option. In
this situation we can’t talk about criticality due to its semantics, and the
density parameter loses its usefulness as only equal to one. Here we’ve got the
base for a new cosmology.
At present that is not
seen this way. It is accepted that nowadays the density parameter is indeed (let's
say "approximately") equal to unity, but perhaps in the future its
value will be different, that’s why the symbol Ω is often accompanied by index zero.
In addition, in accordance with today's modelling, its value results from a
variety of factors independent of each other, which may mean that the unit
value of omega is not all that obvious, it may be even accidental. The mind
boggles at the observation made by Robert Dicke. According to the model which I
present, this "randomness" is not possible (as randomness). According
to the model presented here Ω does not change. The flatness of space is an
objective feature of nature, and not an improbable state aimed at ensuring our
existence. A little more and we’ll come to think that this is because everything
that surrounds us is, for each of us individually, only an impression, as it
was stated hundreds of years ago by certain Berkeley. Thus, the Universe was
not created purposely for our existence, and its description based on basic and
universal laws of nature is simpler, without any a hint of purposefulness...
Calculation of the
density of the Universe ...In
any case, concerning the flatness of the Universe consensus omnium predominates,
because this is indicated by observations. So let’s calculate the density of
the Universe assuming (in this case perfectly digestible) simplification that
the Universe is a spherical object. Thus:
Here R –Schwarzschild
(gravitational) radius: R =
2GM÷c^2. In view of the assumed flatness the Universe can be treated as a
sphere of radius R. So we get:
As you can see, judging from this formula, the density
of the Universe (as well as the density of an object enclosed within the
gravitational radius, called the black hole) is inversely proportional to the
square of its mass, which, as we know, is increasing. I will refer to this
formula time and again.
Density dependence on time
So it is interesting how this density relates to time. For
this purpose we use the postulated in the previous article equality of
gravitational and Hubble radiuses. The Hubble law should be also taken into
However this non-linearity can be
described differently, and thus avoid inconsistencies brought about by this
hypothesis. Suffice to assume that the initial dimensions of the Universe were
not zero. Then the non-linearity of increase in size is natural in view of the
target speed c. The model corresponding to this thesis is described in the
third part of the article entitled: "The first moments of the Big
Bang", though quite a lot I blurted out earlier. The nonlinear expansion
of my breeding, not based on "inflationary" assumptions I called:
Urela (Ultra-Relativistic acceleration). In those very early times there wasn’t
either the electromagnetic interaction, and so there was no limitation
concerning the speed of expansion - as one might think.
So first we transform the formula
for the Schwarzschild radius:
and apply
the Hubble’s law in relations to the horizon: c =
HR. Thus we get:
Here τ is the age of the Universe. Finally by joining formulas (1) and (2) we obtain the
formula for the average density of the Universe:
We see that
the average density of the Universe depends explicitly of the value of constant
H, and is proportional to its square (or inversely proportional to the square
of the age of the Universe). [For the record, so defined age of the Universe is
sometimes called the Hubble’s time. It is believed that to determine the (real)
age of the Universe, the gravitational slowing down of the expansion (predicted
by the Friedmann equation) must be taken into consideration as well as its
acceleration due to dark energy. I see no justification for such an approach. I think that the "idealization" in the context of our
discussion is in fact closer to the truth as it is freed from the imperfections
of human investigative insight.] Let’s note also that in the last formula there
is no constant c. So, according to this dependence the speed of light bears no relation
to changes of density of the Universe. This does not mean that this speed is
really constant against global time.
It is noteworthy that we deduced this
formula starting from adopted in the previous article postulate of equality of
gravitational and Hubble radiuses. We will get this formula following also a
different, more agreed path. It is not a novelty. Currently this postulate
surprises, in any case those to whom I present my thoughts. [In general, beforehand
I invite them to supply themselves with a bottle of mineral water.] As it will
(surprisingly) turns out further on, this postulate leads to the result concurrent
with the calculation forecasting the development of the Universe in accordance
with the critical model, constituting, as we know, one of the three options
resulting from the Friedmann equation. Therefore, this "other way" of
mine is not "so" meaningless in spite of the fact that it does not
fully comply with the Friedman’s version, even in relation to
"criticality". The point is that despite the (modelled here)
flatness, the Universe, in relation to assumed periodicity of its
physical and spatial characteristics, will not expand asymptotically toward
infinity (as expected by equation Friedmann equation for the critical model).
Yes, periodicity, not only postulated but simply justified on the basis of
various criteria, to the extent that it "cannot be otherwise". Is it
only my subjective conviction? Of course not. Many wiser than me are convinced
about the periodicity of Nature. The problems which they encountered are
essentially of doctrinal character, for example, "What to do with the
increase of entropy?”. The question of
entropy I will also address in due time.
The conviction of
cyclicality can draw support from the ancient philosophical thought (not
forgetting the intellectual heritage of the peoples of America before the
arrival of the barbarians from Christian Europe. Now there are already other
barbarians. Those have already invaded Europe.
They haven’t yet managed to learn humanity. They need for it hundreds of
years and millions of victims of self-destruction under the imperative of hatred
for someone completely different... Well, Homo Sapiens. How strange that they
send their countrymen to virgins, instead of, for this godly purpose, blowing
their own brains out. No, first they have to play some martyr’s jihad. This
does not disturb political correctness, what matter is that they want to annihilate
those whom Europe did not quite manage in its time. That was rather common in
antiquity. Are humans really growing? The (negative) measure of growth is the potential
of hatred. Ahead of us, humans, still a long way to go.
An alternative to cyclicality in the form
of a semi-infinity (because Everything had its beginning and stretches to
infinity), though supported by the authorities of the church, does not seem
serious. It simply gives an impression of an ontological botch. The Creator was
not a bungler! Today, this strange alternative is accepted as if in the nature
of things, and moreover, with "deep understanding".
And (here) we have flatness of space,
combined with cyclicality. Along with this, in a concept that I present, we
have the development of the Universe: determined, occurring in one direction
only. This is about the only possible process in the sense that there cannot be
any alternative of various options (as it’s the case with three models in the
Friedmann equation). Nature is one, and its description should therefore be
unambiguous. And this is not about the content of my findings, not about
"this particular model", but about the uniqueness of objective being.
It’s about
the idea of uniqueness. There is simply no more than one possibility. This
means that even this particular, presented here model of the Universe is more credible
with respect to the objectively existing nature than the traditional one. The Universe
is simply not "this or that" (depending on the results of measurement).
The theory not providing for a univocal development is only (and at most) a tentative
model. I think that’s how we should treat Friedmann equation.
Also, consideration of matters in the
category of probability is here (I think) pointless. The Universe as such is, I
emphasize again, determined. It cannot be described by some wave function. The
Universe is simply a kind of an absolute and human perception does not have
anything to do with. Epistemological superstructure should have no influence on
the objective facts we learn and will learn in the future. And the anthropic
principle? For me it’s a kind of oddity, which "emotional" premises I
do not share. Excessive anthropocentrism? (Subconscious) recurrence to hierarchizing
by Thomas Aquinas and geocentricism in the new edition? Relapses? Well, cyclicality
does not bypass us either. This principle is most probably the result of the
frustration of science at the crossroads. I encourage you to read Lee Smolin’s
a reversal of cause and effect. All of these arguments in support of the
anthropic principle do not amount to any evidence. They lead astray. In 1600
Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for having had the audacity to claim
that there are other worlds where there is life, perhaps similar to our own.
Since that time more than 400 years have passed, and mankind has not learned much
despite technological and scientific achievements (in fact of only a handful of
people). As a mass we are mentally far from these achievements. The evolution
of life on Earth has been going on for more than 3 billion
years. There was enough time. Unless someone thinks that the whole world began
5,776 years ago. In this case any questioning is unquestionably impossible.
If the anthropic principle
is a consequence of today's paradigms, it is a sign that we should discard some
of them. When examining Nature and studying its objective laws one should be
guided by simplicity and discard anthropocentrism.
thing that research as such, observations, along with a variety of
interpretations, the whole cognitive dynamics which has its main source in
curiosity, is something extremely interesting and worthy of separate studies.
It is for the pious. The search for truth of nature (and other objective
truths), is also one of the essential elements of what should constitute the
basis for humanistic thought, even if the search dissociates itself from the "anthropo-activism". How many declared
humanists have that outright paranoid hatred (of course in relation to people)...
This transpires in many Parlour (Salon in Polish) scraps and comments (,
not to mention the less intelligent portals. Among the real investigators of
Nature (including human nature) hate is a rather rare phenomenon.
Returning to equation (3) let’s note also
that there is no mass in it, even though density is the invariant mass. In
fact, this was to be expected given that the mass is an extensive value. Does
this apply to the mass of the entire Universe? Here I would be careful.
This means unambiguity of
being, you might say: absoluteness. In any case, the Creator knew what he was
doing. Perhaps this way should lead the path to understanding Nature, even if
the nature of the Creator is semantically undetermined (usually everything is
limited to pagan idolatry, including kissing pictures and teaching of hatred in
accordance with the priority of love of one’s neighbour).
What is the average density of the Universe? Anyone
can calculate it for him/herself.
2. Critical density
Above we derived the density of the Universe based on the postulated
equality of Hubble and gravitational radiuses of the Universe. Additionally I
relied on the assumption of flatness of the geometry of the Universe, which I
supported with perfectly acceptable rational premises. The flatness is also
indicated by observation [even if it is (conceptually) surprising to some]. As
for the flatness there is consensus omnium despite the fact that in my humble
opinion it is an inherent, and not an "approximate" feature of the
Calculation of the critical density using simplified Weinberg’s method.
"Flatness", according to today's views, means that the Universe
develops in accordance with the critical model, one of the three predicted by
the Friedmann equation. It is therefore of critical density. [Almost, but we do
not know which way. I omit here inflation, which eliminated this problem by
smoothing everything to fit the order.] Let's calculate it using two different
approaches. First one is actually a description of the method used by Steven Weinberg
in his famous book “The First Three
Minutes”, a description designed for lay persons.
We choose at random a galaxy. Its
mass is equal to m, and the radial velocity
relative to us (in the cosmological sense) is equal to v. Its distance from us equals r.
We constitute the origin of the coordinate system and, of course, the centre of
the Universe. According to the cosmological principle each observer will tell
you the same regardless of the galaxy it inhabits. Our chosen galaxy is located
on the surface of a fictitious sphere of radius r, including certain
number of galaxies, including ours (along with interstellar matter), which mass
is M*. As a base
we will use the Newton’s law of universal gravitation. It is known that the
remaining Universe, apart for the chosen galaxy, bears no gravitational impact
on the outcome of our deliberations. Just like a layer of any thickness above a
person measuring his/her weight, and located at a certain depth below the
surface. There, that person’s weight is determined solely by the mass of this
part of the Globe, which lies below. In the centre the weight of each body is
equal to zero. This can be proven by calculation. A more general description of
this rule is expressed by Gauss' law, which is also true with respect to the
electrostatic field. The potential energy of the galaxy (more precisely, the
energy of its interaction with the rest located below) is equal to:
radial velocity, according to the Hubble’s law: v = Hr, so its kinetic energy:
Thus, the total energy:
After substituting in place of the mass:
which can be done since we assume
that space is flat, we get:
(We remember that, according to the
cosmological principle, the local density, although of cosmological importance,
is everywhere the same.)
The galaxy we have chosen can be on
the very horizon, because we have not limited the distance at which it is
located. Then the total mass "under" it:
M* → M is the mass of
the whole Universe. The above equations remain, obviously, in force. Let us
discuss the formula (4). We can immediately see that there are three
possibilities. When E > 0, which means that the numerical value of the
potential energy is less than the value of kinetic energy, and gravity is too
weak to stop expansion – the opened model. When E<0, we have the reversed
situation, gravity is strong enough to stop the expansion and cause in the aftermath
of the collapse of the Universe. Of course, we are talking here about the
closed model. When E = 0, the Universe develops according to the critical
model. This is the case of our interest. From the formula (4), we obtain:
Here: ρc – critical density of the
Universe. As it comes out, following completely different path we have come to
formula (3). We received the equation for the critical density identical to the
formula for the density of the Universe based on the postulate of the equality
of gravitational and Hubble radiuses. I think there is something in it, even if
it's surprising. Here, however, it is about the critical density, and this is
one of three possibilities, actually the improbable one, since it is the point border
(see the previous chapter). However, in connection with a fairly strong indication
of the flatness of the Universe, researchers’ attention has focused precisely
on this option. The problem, however, lies in the fact that the observationally
detected mass (actually the density parameter derived from the mass of the
visible, and even the dark matter), is too small to ensure criticality.
In view of the above the search for additional mass (to achieve the
critical density) is quite understandable. Or maybe the search for this
additional mass is unnecessary? Is it certain that the density parameter is the
proper indicator or that its measurement is correct? The question is justified
not only for those who share my view that the GTR (say in the Friedmann version)
is not the appropriate tool for cosmological determinations. And if we do not
use the GTR and are not interested in the critical density, then the search for
density parameter is beside the point. Heresy chases heresy.
The observational determination of the average density is not an easy
thing. Not all matter is visible, and it is not always is possible to determine
it. An example of such efforts is the measurement of the amount of deuterium,
which was created at the beginning of nucleosynthesis, in the early phase of BB,
probably only then. The results, however, are far from expectations.
In the concept proposed in this work the problem of the value of density
parameter does not exist, and "adding" mass equivalent to dark energy
(apparently up to 70% of the mass of the Universe) is probably a big
misunderstanding, it is simply a fiction, multiplication of entities beyond
need. Perhaps today's concept of Ω measurement is at fault (and apart, also the
treatment of this parameter as binding and mandatory). But this lack of mass
had to be filled in some way. Hence the uncritical enthusiasm for the idea of
dark energy. All en-masse
herded this way and many were amply rewarded with PhDs and professorships. Even
Mr. Nobel was seduced. [Wait, repulsion (dark energy) points to the negative
mass, therefore these 70% should have been subtract (not added). We would get
not 100% but 40% ... And here, as if out of spite, the space is flat.]
My insolent approach is consistent
with the previously expressed opinion that the Universe available to observation
comprises its totality. Obviously this is not consistent with the currently
applicable rules and presumptions (not to say prejudices). So as to appease the
more incensed readers (fundamentalism is now in vogue) I admit that for the
time being this opinion is not the final judgement banishing today's views. If someone
was to be banished, then (as it can be seen in each case) it would have to be the
writer of this work, despite the fact that he is basing it on rather rational assumptions,
in any case no less rational than those which serve as basis for opposed views.
It so happens that he was already exiled many years ago and for the completely
different reasons****. But never mind.
Coming back to the interrupted thought we
should add that if in spite of everything, there is something beyond the
horizon (as it is thought by the majority of those interested), the
consideration of this would be something purely speculative, not much adding to
the final vision due to its unprovability.
Here is the numerical value of the
critical density corresponding to our assumed value of constant H = 20:
It is of course today’s value. Let’s compare this value with
the density determined on the basis of estimated in the previous article mass
of the Universe and its corresponding Schwarzschild radius (here expressed in
light years). Here is the calculation of density:
The results of these calculations are very close to each
other. This probably testifies in favor of the concept presented in this
article. [Anyone who read it all carefully knows that it is all clear of any "sly
adjustments". I did not have to do that. And even if, then we
still have a unique convergence given the same numbers, which we had at our
disposal - huge. The probability of coincidence is virtually nil. Incidentally,
the "sly adjustment" is used widely nowadays. Take the hypothesis of
inflation. In that case "slyness" breaks all records.]
Calculation of critical density based on Friedman equation.
Let us make the next step. Here's Friedman equation:
where ȧ – the scale
factor of the Universe (dot at the top means its derivative with respect to
time), k – a constant value in time and in space, describes the geometry of the
Universe, type of its curvature.
k > 0 means spherical curvature of the closed
Universe, k < 0 – hyperbolic curvature of the open Universe, and k = 0 – flat
space in which the Universe evolves according to the critical model. Here we
should add that the value c^2 (square of the speed of light) in general, especially in the professional writings, is ignored
due to the assumption that it is equal to unity. This is justified not only by practical
consideration (simplified calculation). But let’s not stray from the subject.
The scale factor (a) is a function of time and is directly
related to the pace of expansion. If within certain time the factor, for example,
triples, it means that the dimensions of the Universe have also tripled. This
expansion, however, is not an "explosion of a grenade". It is the
expansion of space which contains matter (according to today's understanding).
This results in continued increase of distances between galaxies (in the
cosmological scale), although it is not about their relative movement in the Newtonian
sense. Can we therefore say that the movement is cosmological scale is not a
kinematic quality in the Newtonian sense? This would result in a very
convenient conclusion that relative "speed" of objects may exceed,
even significantly, the speed of light in a vacuum. It would suffice that they were
adequately distant from each other, far enough that it would not be possible to
have coordination between them in less than the age of the Universe. This apparently
happened in time of the so-called inflation, and the existence of these appropriately
remote objects is its consequence.
So the whole
expansion is a "personal" matter of
space-time, and galaxies remain, in fact, at rest relative to each other
(not taking into account their insignificant (?) local movements), despite the
resulting from it expansion and mutual distancing. [Would that mean that the
actual movement is purely local, and cosmology is something else?] What is this
constant distance between them (if not taking into account the Friedmann
expansion)? – one could ask. Very interesting question, particularly in view of
the adopted by some, even a priori, thesis that Everything started from (let say:
almost) a point singularity. So are we talking here about the arbitrariness and
activism of space against inertia and passivity of matter? Why not? What about De
Sitter’s model? Yes, but the magnitude of curvature depends directly on the
total mass. Also, on the mass of the smallest bodies, even the elementary
particles... Well, yes, it is, after all, about the mutually moving coordinates.
According to
the concept presented in this work, which is, among other things, to serve as a
checking test (by its alternativeness) maybe even for the sake of today's
beliefs, it is after all about the actual movement, though in a closed (not Newtonian-infinite)
space. Closed by the fact that it is contained within specific topological formation,
which characteristics are indicated by the
features of the evolution of the Universe, suggested in the text and in
different contexts. This formation makes the Universe a periodically variable creation.
Let us return to Friedman equation. Let’s
consider the first part of its right side, and actually its dimension: 1/s^2 (the
square of the inverse unit of time). The same dimension applies of course to
the left side, which features the scale factor a. The dimension of the left side indicates that the scale factor
has the dimension of length. So we have here the square of ratio of speed to
distance. The meaning of distance is here,
however, somewhat different than usually, because it is the magnitude associated
with the expansion of space. There can be demonstrated the consistency of the
thesis that the amount constituting the left side of the equation is equal to
the square of the Hubble factor. [Let’s note that it is enough to change the letters
in Hubble’s law, and represented the speed as a derivative of distance (r) with
respect to time.] Therefore it seems
to be perfectly valid to observe that constant
H itself defines the rate of expansion. [The term "the rate of expansion"
was introduced (actually derived) already in the second article.] Its decrease
with time would mean the gradual reduction of this rate, which would correspond
to slowing the movement of a body thrown upwards (and to diminishing curvature
of space). My approach is different. For the record, the consistent application
of the cosmological principle leads to the conclusion that global cosmological
gravitational field intensity is equal to zero. So
there is no question of delay (or acceleration). Thus, the speed at which the Universe
expands is determined by the "expansion rate", that is by the upper
bound of relative speeds - c, which, according to cosmological principle, is
invariant. But let’s go back to our narrative. So we get:
I noticed it already in
the second article. Thus we can formulate the Friedman equation in a slightly
modified form:
Using it we can calculate critical
density. In this case the curvature (k) is equal to zero. Therefore:
Again, we get a familiar equation.
As you can see, the postulated equality of gravitational and Hubble radiuses
leads to a formula identical with that derived on the basis of the general
theory of relativity. Thus this new path which I have proposed is consistent
with the method based on this theory. This is well worth noting. Therefore the postulate of equality of gravitational and Hubble
radiuses has some justification, even if it is a surprise. I have already
drawn attention to it earlier. Let’s add to this, that this postulate indicates
explicitly (and not "one way or the other") the character of expansion,
it defines its course as consistent with the view that the space of the Universe
is indeed flat, in addition, regardless of time. If so, we made some progress
in understanding at least this cosmological issue.
*) Flat geometry is the Euclidean geometry.
**) Information on this subject can be found, among other
things, in the book by
Alan H.
Guth – The inflationary universe.
***) „Kłopoty z fizyką – The trouble with
physics” (Prószyński i Ska 2008)
****) Martial law and emigration.