Planckons and elsymons
Part 1. Bereshit... (In the beginning...)
Bereshit – in Hebrew the first word of the Bible
At the outset it should be noted that this
article, just as the preceding one* (and those that
follow) presents reasoning, not "new truths." It poses questions,
including those which are not ask at present; contains explorations, hypotheses
and their verifications. As a result, we get a quite surprising picture, though
rather consistent logically, something that may even turn out to express the
real nature. What if it doesn’t? That's fine, too. Creative wandering supports
the objective truth or confirms the validity of the current assumptions. Let’s
Although this article is not written in the convention
of scientific reports, rather in the manner of popular science, the main
addressees are the readers having had some preparation. The thing is that the
material has not been scientifically verified and includes altogether new
concepts that may be hard to recommend to young readers (and yet, let them use
their unblemished criticism). It is also difficult here to refer to any sources,
and there is no question of quoting or citing opinions of people involved in
research in this field – which is a pity. This in fact applies to all the
articles of this collection, which I hope will not discourage scientists (and
others) from reading this document and the other ones included in this
extensive work.
1. Maximons - Planckons
2. System of two planckons (and a lot of
reflection). The idea of bosons transferring forces under a
big question mark (gravitons???)
3. Mass defect of a system of two planckons
4. Resultant mass of a system of two planckons
5. Elsymon – particle
6. Field saturation and energy contained in a gravitational
field or the memories of the old times
reflections and thoughts
Phenomenology fails where there is no
possibility of direct empirical observation of the investigated systems. This
is obvious, if only due to the semantic meaning of the term phenomenology. This
applies in the same measure to quantum mechanics and the general theory of
relativity. So probably these theories, or rather their research procedures
cannot be used as a criterion of correctness in relation to scales beyond
empirical insight. Each theory has a limited range of appropriateness, and therefore
applicability. My attempt to explore this undersize reality is, evidently, very
arrogant. But hey, the dice is cast.
So how to check the validity of considerations,
in particular the validity of the conclusions to which they lead? It's easy.
The conclusions of the deliberations lead to certain expectations, anticipations
of the observational and experimental effects. Compliance with predictions make
presuppositions notable. So in that case are such considerations (without
direct empirical basis) less scientific? They are perfectly scientific,
provided that they are based on universal fundamental laws, deduced earlier,
and confirmed without exception in all phenomena and dimensional scales. They would be scientific even if the empirical data did
not corroborate the conclusions and hypotheses emerging in the course of
investigations. But, as it will turn out, the conclusions of the reflections contained
in this work do not contradict the results of research conducted in the scales enabling
empirical exploration, even though they are not based on generally accepted
One can search hard for
errors in the assumptions (particularly in the preceding article) and
immediately give up reading, even if no errors were found. So this article
would be beyond any attention, it wouldn’t exist for a careful critic (let
alone the next ones...). But one can also make an effort to check the
reasoning, to confront predictions against empiricism. I would consider this
approach to be more scientific. Patience, openness, good will... well, we are
entering the field of psychology. And what about curiosity and resulting from
curiosity selflessness?...
- Planckons
Using universal constants G,
c, h (G - the gravitational constant, c - the speed of light, h - Planck's
constant), there can be derived (constant) formulas, expressed in units of
length and mass. Here they are:
One can also create the value
expressed in units of time. Suffice to divide
by c:
This value
I consider as less important, less essential as a tool for exploration of
nature. It is simply a secondary value and there won’t be much need for using
it. Besides, you cannot treat time at the same level as the values which
constitute the parameters of material beings.
values were introduced as "natural units" by Max Planck already in
1899. There are quite a lot of these natural units, yes, as there are many various
physical values. We will focus basically on two most fundamental, outlined
above. There is no need to examine other in relation to the specific content of
this work. Markov (1966) called them maximons.
Nowadays these values are called, respectively, the Planck length, Planck mass,
Planck time and so on. The term maximon I will use later to describe something
The rationale for this name lies in the
numerical values of these new constants determining, perhaps, the limits of applicability
of present-day physics, since modern physics is not able to describe the reality
in the scales below the limits set by the magnitudes of these values.
The above described “maximons”
are named quantum maximons because the formulas defining them contain Planck
constant (that’s why index q). Here
are their numerical values:
Value , that is the Planck length, according to the current
interpretation, is the limit value. Smaller distances are beyond the capacity of modern
physics. These distances cannot be linked to any physical entity. Such a length
(distance) can be found in superstring theory. Planck mass is also puzzling. It
is huge even in comparison with the masses of the most massive particles
(instead of being, as one could expect, much smaller). Planck mass is not therefore
the limit value, but as we will see, this does not diminish its importance. In
view of Planck mass, the Planck density, as it will be shown in a moment, is huge.
We get it, of course, by dividing Planck mass by volume... Volume of what? A cube? Or maybe a sphere? Let us assume that it would be more appropriate to rely
on symmetry, possibly the most perfect, spherical symmetry, so that there wouldn’t
be some special directions and the distance be clearly defined. After all, we
quietly assume that space is isotropic. Let us suppose, then, that Planck
length is the diameter of the sphere, the volume of which will help us to
determine density. Therefore we receive:
You can also create the "classic"
limit values. They are the ones that are called here maximons.
Expressions that define them do not contain Planck constant, and instead there
is the elementary charge. Here they are:
As one
can see in these formulas we express the elementary charge in CGSES units (Electrostatic
CGS system (centimetre, gram, second)), where k = 1, and:
Thanks to
that the defining equations are very simple. Here are the numerical values of
these constants:
Since I consider the electromagnetic
field as secondary in relation to the gravitational field, I will not dwell
upon (classic) maximons. However their existence, in particular their
parameters, maybe a little disquieting in view of the findings to which I will
arrive based exclusively on quantum limits. It’s about physical meaning. Let's
initially look at this thing. So let us transform the formula into the formula for
maximon's mass (5):
have both sides squared, and then multiplied by G and divided by the square of
the distance. We will obtain:
The left
side of this equation is the Newtonian gravitational force, and the right side -
the Coulomb force. So we come to the physical sense of mass
. It
turns out that it is equal to the mass of a material point which with an
identical point interacts gravitationally with the force equal to the Coulomb
force of mutual interaction of particles with elementary charges, placed at the
same distance from each other. Maybe it's a clue towards the unification of
electromagnetism and gravity? I think it’s far too early to resolve this matter
at this stage. For now, I think, we can stop here. So let's return to quanta.
Does the physical meaning of Planckon sizes concern only specific
(limit) numerical values? If there were specific physical objects endowed with
the features defined by these values, they would be very interesting creations:
incredibly small and extremely dense. To such a hypothetical entity we will give
the name Planckon. Quantum gravity???
I leave this question unanswered. For the time being we have no base for an
Or maybe
Universe at the birth of expansion was a planckon? Probably not, since its
parameters are clearly defined, and Universe is changing. Besides, if planckon
exists, what would force it to undergo sudden change? But let it be. How to
reconcile these changes with the basic features of nature, which are expressed
by the basic principles of physics, for example, laws of conservation. Not just
that. If planckon was once everything, then what is it now? Universe? A being
so complex, containing each one of us, creatures endowed with their whole worlds
inside them...? It would be, of course, in flagrant contradiction with the
essence of elementary being. Therefore, that’s not the way. Let us look at it
differently. Planckon has a certain mass. As we know mass is an intrinsic
parameter of each body, every particle and every physical system. So maybe planckon
is a kind of particle? If so, would it be an absolutely elementary
particle, or an absolutely elementary being that I mentioned in the previous
article*? So could it be that planckons, a huge number of them, are the primary
matter, and matter known to us, in all its forms, is built of them? I wonder where
it will lead us, this (precursory) assumption that planckon is a particle.
previous work, in an article devoted to the gravitational pull of material
points I drew attention to the possibility, and in fact imperative, of the
existence of an absolutely elementary being. This was dictated by philosophical
considerations (and the logic of the narrative). Planckon would be just such an
entity. Today it is an idea. Two hundred years ago (1808) John Dalton introduced to chemistry the concept of an
atom** as an indivisible being, the smallest indivisible part of a chemical element.
He concluded that the possibility of infinite continuous quantitative division
of matter is not consistent with the existence of permanent weight (mass) ratios
of the elements forming chemical compounds. However, in his day atom was more
of a philosophical idea than realization of the existence of a concrete
physical being with specific characteristics. At that time nobody even thought
of experimental detection of such a thing (as something totally unrealistic).
One hundred years ago
atom was already a concrete being subjected to empirical research. In 1911,
Ernest Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus. Today, the atomic structure is
(already) known to each (self-respecting) high school student. There are many
(quite a lot) subatomic particles, and the standard theory systematised them in
an elegant manner. Perhaps now it is time to get to know the structure of the
particles. The structures of all the particles, not only hadrons. This is indicated
by the fact that despite the diversity of their "private" features, they
have something in common. The standard theory has them systematised. This was
possible under the condition of the "genetic" affinity, under the
condition of unity of the whole matter. So there should be an element common to
them all, a repeatable being, which is a structural unit of all matter.
Certainly deeper (even much deeper) than the scale at which quarks
"operate". It is another thing that so far this hasn’t been yet considered.
Is that the reason to give up? Planckons? Yes, but let’s not get ahead of
ourselves. I just don’t want to
be baseless.¹¹
2. System of two planckons (and a lot of reflection).
Plankton has certain
mass, so it is the source of gravitational field. Due to the fact that this
mass is extremely high in relation to its size, we can ask: "What is the Schwarzschild radius of an
object with planckon mass?" To calculate this in a general way, we
will use the formulas (1), (2), and the formula for gravitational radius:
Here is
the calculation:
However, before we get inside, and to have a
pretext for entering, we have to start with a system of planckons. In view of
their negligible size, smaller than the gravitational (Schwarzschild) radius,
it is natural to examine the mass defect of such a system. We confine ourselves to a system of two planckons. Let us treat them as thoroughly elementary
particles. Planckons’ parameters (as limit parameters) give rise to a claim that in fact planckon is
this absolutely elementary being, which I mentioned in the preceding article
(*) while promising to characterize it, which I am just doing (starting to do).
Even if de facto it is exclusively a philosophical idea (just as it was with
the atom two hundred years ago).
that we don’t run out of links in our investigations let us start with
something that we already discussed in the previous work, that is with mass
defect in nuclear systems (*). It is known that the total mass of the nucleons
forming the nucleus is smaller than their summary mass when they are not connected
to each other by strong forces. The mass defect is the difference between these
masses. In the "classroom" explanation of the mass defect it is
pointed out that pulling apart particles which attract each other requires
external supply of energy (to do the work against the forces of attraction).
And what happens when an external nucleon reaches the nucleus and is bound by
it? Without going into the details and possible variations, it can be stated
that if it is absorbed by the nucleus, the excess mass is equal to the energy
of the emitted photon, generally gamma photon.¹² The point is that the total
mass of the system is now smaller than it was including the mass of the neutron
before its bounding.
Therefore, (...) when a nucleon from
outside reaches the nucleus (...) if it is absorbed by the nucleus, the excess mass
(...) is emitted in the form of energy of the emitted photon. In the case of
gravity, however, the situation becomes awkward. There is of course no problem to
describe the free movement of body, from the point of view of energy relations
in the system such as Earth. It is not a problem even for a high school student.
Problematic, however, are the elementary systems. In their case we cannot talk
of dissipation of energy in the thermodynamic sense. Temperature as a measure
of the average kinetic energy of molecules loses here its raison d'être, it is
not relevant. Also temperature as a value characterizing radiation is not relevant
here because there is no heat radiation in such limited systems. And it is
difficult to think of the emission of a photon which energy would be equal to
the mass defect, because: At what point of mutual approaching this would
happen, if it was to happen at all, given the fact that gravity is not
electromagnetism? By quantization? Emissions of "gravitons", although
they are only hypothetical constructs, and the chance of detecting them is
simply zero? And even if gravitons, then how often? By the way: What would gravitons
be, if planckon is the absolutely elementary creation?
And if the photons ... Then one photon, or
many? How many? How often, (and again) each one? What kind of photons?*** After
all, gravity is continuous (regardless of the hypothetical gravitons, which
existence raises my serious and well-founded doubt). In addition, gravity, in comparison
with the electromagnetic interactions, is extremely week.¹³ But maybe in spite
of all, gravity is also quantized****, though it is not about gravitons. In
this setting the idea of force transferring bosons is under a big question
possible quantization of gravity immediately brings to mind the characteristics
of planetary systems. The movement of planets is a bit like the orbital motion
of electrons in an atom. Obviously, it is not the same. But it is an example of
cyclic movement (see the content of the link with three stars), where the planets
move along the stationary orbits. Do these orbits meet some quantization condition?
They do take their assigned places? Classical, Newtonian description does not
provide for this. But we have a Titius-Bode***** rule. Case open. Maybe dual gravity will be of
some help. And what about elementary systems?
move back to particles. In the case of cyclic movement the subject is closed -
the system does not radiate. Suppose that it is a non-cyclic movement. In this
instance, with the mutual approach of particles, does radiation occur? Rather
no, when it comes only to gravity.
Let's go
back to electrically charged particles. We should note that smaller mutual
distance corresponds to the smaller gravitational mass of the system. Is therefore
emitted photon whose energy equals the difference of mass defects? Probably not,
because this is the gravitational
interaction. Gravitational mass of the system is smaller while the binding
energy increases. And even if, the binding energy with respect to atoms and their
systems, is minimal and absolutely unmeasurable. This can be calculated (see the
previous article). Is the answer really no? Surely, during nuclear
transformations photon is emitted, the photon with particular energy equal to
mass defect. It is emitted, because the final state (and the one at the start),
is unequivocally defined. We not expect emission when the final state is not
defined. In addition, we are dealing here with particles interacting
electromagnetically, individual particles. The situation is (phenomenologically)
different when we are dealing with a stream of charged particles. Their
accelerated movement, for example, somewhere in the accretion disk of a neutron
star or closer, in the accelerator, makes them a source of radiation. It would
be interesting to consider the matter from the structural point of view (structure
of particle, interactions of particles forming the stream).
As you can see, we
touch here the problem of unification of both nuclear and electromagnetic
interactions with gravitational interactions. So let the young take care of it.
I think they will first try to prove that it is all nonsense - negative
motivation is generally stronger. It's part of the fun. However, if they have
already spent some money to buy this book, they should try a little harder.
Maybe it’s worth it.
go back to planckons. We have already accepted that they are the absolutely
elementary being (even if it's just a working hypothesis). But returning to the
interactions... If planckons are the real, absolutely elementary particles,
then in their interactions they cannot exchange photons and other bosons, such
as gravitons ("force transmitters"), which necessarily, as not being planckons,
would have to be more complex creations. Moreover, photons (or other bosons)
are to be built from planckons, through their interactions. So we have a
kind of contradiction. It is therefore difficult - at this basic level of
material being – to accept a model of interaction based on "force
transmitting bosons." Not only that. The interaction between planckons
should be rather of a gravitational character. Gravitons? In the light of what
has been already said, their application for this position has to be rejected.
In other words... Interaction between two absolutely elementary particles,
consisting (according to today's paradigm) of the exchange of complex particles
(bosons), is something unreal, simply absurd, even if the mass of a single planckon
is much larger than the mass of the boson-go-between. After all, boson itself
should be made of planckons, as a result of their interaction. Or the
interactions by means of said bosons...?
when it comes to a body, that is a system (even of only of two material
points), what would be the source of gravitons (or other bosons), thanks
to which we feel that this system attracts us? Would it be the centre of the
mass of the system (Nature is fair)? A place where there is nothing?
A unique place in space? Let’s not multiply beings beyond need. It is not
about some gravitons. They are simply misbegotten children of mental inertia,
children of paradigms that have created quantum mechanics, which actually
operates with great success, but in a completely different area (at a different
scale), and in addition without gravity. Hence the conclusion, even general,
that gravity does not need any intermediaries. This is another argument for the
fact that it is the primary interaction. So perhaps here we have a starting
point for attempts at deterministic interpretation of quantum entanglement?
This quite automatically begs the
question: Is the gravitational interaction immediate (not at the speed of
light)? This would the heresy beyond heresy. Oh, the pile is piling up. After
all, the range of gravity is infinite, and its existence in time is unlimited.
In addition, new sources of gravitational field do not come into being. One can
just about propose the law of preservation of elementary sources of
gravitational field, because planckons are indestructible and new ones are not
created. So you do not have to wait for the execution of order. You do not even
need to order anything. Well, all this merits some consideration. The cosmological principle alone leads to the
conclusion that Universe is a self-agreed over-object, and the pace of its
development determines global time. Development of Universe in its every
element, even at the smallest scale, takes place in the same way. There will be
a lot about this in the following articles.
As you can see,
the die was already cast. This obliges us to take another path with respect to
gravity, as well as in relation to the paradigm concerning "the transfer
of forces". Is there such a way? I think so, and I think that it would also
lead to the unification of all forces of interaction (including gravity);
unification that (certainly) does not takes place at the scale of our physical
sensations, and not even at the atomic scale. Somewhere much deeper at a correspondingly
high concentration of matter. It can be assumed that we are dealing here with
the matter of neutron stars and matter of galactic nuclei. Matter of great
concentration existed also in the beginning of the Big Bang. Well, here everyone
agrees... Creators of superstring theory moved in that direction, but became
confuzzled by unconquerable mathematical infinities. No wonder. Applying to the same being the
theories of which one does not feel gravity, and the second uses gravity to drag
everything towards the point of singularity, is something truly excessive...
3. Mass defect of a system of two planckons.
Here we return to the issues that we already deliberated
on in previous work, which dealt with gravity of a system of material points.
For the record, the numerical value of mass defect of a system should equal the
difference between the value of the potential energy at infinity (zero, there
the mass defect is also equal to zero), and the value of the potential energy
corresponding to the actual mutual distance of these bodies (as we known it
would be negative). The conclusion: the mass defect is numerically equal to the
potential energy of the system in a given position, with the proviso that it is
a positive number.
In a
symbolic notation:
Let such a system be
made of two planckons. Next we will
calculate the potential energy of this system. When planckons touch each other (figure A above),
distance between their centres is of course: . When calculating the potential energy we will
rely on the Newton’s law of gravity. However, the formula:
cannot be
used directly, because it does not take account of the mass defect. Here's how
this mass defect can be defined:
This equation
is essentially identical to the formula (4) of the previous work. Here,
however, the masses are equal.
That’s because mass defect it is the
difference between the total mass corresponding to a very large distance (in
case of planckons we are talking about their doubled mass), and the mass of the
system in a given setting when the distance is small enough so that the mass
defect should be taken into account. This can be written as follows:
Is the
formula (8) correct? We will examine it later when better outfitted in
essential resources. If it is correct, then the results of calculations based
on it should be consistent with each other, and they should also meet certain
expectations. In the case of material points, we have received a satisfactory
First we will calculate the mass defect of
two planckons touching each other (see Figure A above). In this case r = L, mass
defect is equal to M, and the mass of the system is equal as much. Indeed. To
ensure oneself it’s enough to refer to the following equality:
So the Planck length
can be defined as such the distance
between two planckons that from outside the system "is viewed" as one
planckon. Encouraging result.
In addition, it reminds us of the result of a similar calculation made in
previous work, and concerning two material points, as well as fairly similar,
new definition of the gravitational radius, that makes it a general case. This
would indicate that in our current study we are pursuing the right path.
And what is the distance, if the resultant
mass is equal to zero, that is when the mass defect of the system is equal to double
the planckon mass? Is that at all possible? Good question, because to satisfy
this condition, planckons would have to penetrate each other. This is depicted
in Figure B. So let us make another step forward. Let’s note
there is no reason for our planckons to be covered with crust resisting attempts
to get inside them. The existence of such a shell would mean the existence of
additional repulsion, but let’s remember that by assumption planckons
constitute absolutely elementary being. Repulsion (the resistance of the crust)
would indicate the existence of some additional, unaccounted for, interaction, and
it would also testify to the structural complexity of this absolutely
elementary being, that is to the existence of some (dual) interactions at an
even smaller scale, which would in turn contradict the fundamental assumption,
namely that they are absolutely elementary beings. Anyway, this
potential interaction, this outright new world would be literally
indescribable. Planckon can be described only because Planck parameters are based
on observables. Add to this that the existence of such a shell would not be probably
consistent with the properties of matter as we know it. But to come to this
conclusion, we should get to know better the world of planckons and their systems,
and also be able to connect it with the world of our perception. That is the
purpose of our research. Apart of it, the Occam's razor warns us against the
hasty introduction of the new beings.
Finally we realize that looking at planckons
penetrating each other, we simply state that it is about interaction of two gravitational
("source") fields. Thus such creations (planckons) would be the
elementary sources of gravitational fields, and with it, the building blocks of
all matter (including radiation). The condition for this would be the existence
of gravitational repulsion (as it was with the system of material points). It’s
worth noticing here that the gravitational field, in general, is conservative:
centrally and potentially. So in a natural way we expect that the planckon’s
field (the field of an absolutely elementary being) is just like that, which means
that is not a vortex field (field of non-zero rotation). Anyway, features of planckon’s
field – as of the absolutely elementary being - should affect the
characteristics of gravitational fields (and other force fields) at any scale
ambitious plan to push through..., or just unruly thoughts.
So let us draw our planckons even closer to
each other and let’s ask: "What should be the distance between their centres,
where the mass defect is equal to their total mass, that is:
equation (10), we get:
4. Resultant mass of a system of two planckons.
From the calculations above it transpires that the mass defect of a
system of two planckons equals to the mass of one of them when the distance
between their centres equals Planck length. The mass of the system comes to
zero when they are separated by half that distance. So we see the absolute
convergence of these conclusions with the results of calculations carried out
in the preceding article, dealing with the system of two material points (for
the record, Planck length is equal to half the radius of gravity). It turns out
that the results of our research are most general and independent of the size
scale. This of course encourages further investigations. Let us determine the
gravitational mass of two planckons, taking of course into account the gravitational
mass defect. As we already known, it is defined as follows:
where: m* is the sought mass of the system. Using the
formula for the mass defect, we get:
because, as we know:
as expected.
When: r = 0,5L we have:
as expected.
Of course,
let us immediately note that in case of a still smaller distance the mass
becomes negative. Judging by the formula (*) we find, too, that when r tends to
zero, the negative mass tends to infinity. We are dealing here, of course, with
the negative gravitational mass of the system, which therefore repels every
object with a positive mass. However, already in the first article of this
series, devoted to material points, I drew attention to the fact that the
elements of such a system also mutually repel each other with a force rapidly
increasing as the distance between them decreases. [The thing is that the mass
of each separate point is positive. However, they are in a field, which
intensity is directed outwards of the system. The closer they are to each other
the greater the intensity. Therefore these points are under a force facing
outwards, which is manifested "phenomenologically" as mutual repulsion.
That’s how the matter can be interpreted.] Actually, this leads to a stop,
regardless of the initial speed with which they were approaching each other.
We'll ascertain it already at the end of this article.
This fact enables the concentration of matter in a single point. By concurrence
with quantum statistics this could mean that planckon is a fermion. After all,
is it not a foregone conclusion that at this scale range they lose their
meaning? They can be an expression of the most general characteristics, the
source of which may be actually the planckon range. Of course, it also
associates with Pauli’s exclusion principle. And if we go further, we can even come
to conclusion that the existence of the Pauli’s exclusion is the proof of the
existence of dual gravity. The possibility of planckon being a fermion can be indicated
by the result of (quantitative) consideration which I have already presented in
my book published in 2010. They show that plankton’s angular momentum is equal
to 1/2ħ. One of the articles of part three is dedicated to this question.
Therefore, singularity appears only on paper. My dream is that even paper rebuffs
May it be
that by principle any single body, any particle can have a negative mass? Let’s
note that negative mass is the gravitational mass, which means that it applies
only to a system. But each body, each particle makes a system. Only a
single planckon cannot have the negative mass, because it’s not a system. But
then it’s hard to consider its mass to be positive. Neither positive nor
negative, nor zero. That’s its political wisdom - you might say. [Is political
correctness equivalent to wisdom? I think it's a rhetorical question.] It is
known "they are either with us or against us" - no minuses or pluses.
Bowing down to paralytic Europe. This is however difficult to write down. Well,
it’s good that the mass of a planckon has a special designation. You can try a different
way. Positivity is the norm, general standard, while negativity is something
special, conditioned by gravity. Something unique as antimatter versus
matter... In this context we should note that an electric charge, called
negative or positive, is actually a convention, the physical quality in both
cases gravitationally positive. And what about neutrino? We’ll come to it.
Everything in due time. We still have a lot in front of us.
Elsymon – particle
Above I drew attention to the possibility of
repulsion between planckons. If so, then there is an energy niche - in the
middle between attraction and repulsion (depending on the mutual distance of
planckons). It simply automatically conditions the possibility of vibrations.
This also provides for the possibility of planckons connecting each other, of
creation of stable systems. Thus a number of planckons can be joined together,
any number (though up to a certain limit). For an outside observer the mass of
the system (say averaged mass) can be equal to zero. At this point it does not
matter what shape, what geometric form it takes, what is its topology. Zero
mass suggests that it might be a photon. Various photons.
Of course,
mass can also have a non-zero value - positive or even negative. So we come to
the preliminary qualitative model of the structure of the so called elementary
particles. Their mass depends on the number of planckons, and on how deeply
they are interconnected. It may be very small compared with the mass of a
single planckon: for example it may be the mass of an electron. "If so, then
why the masses of all particles are relatively close to each other (by maximum
factor of 10^3)?" Perfectly
legitimate question. The preliminary model answering this question is presented
in the next (sixth) chapter. But let’s not jump ahead of ourselves. For
simplicity sake the system of interconnected planckons we will call Elsymon (elementary system of matter)******. Is elsymon really a particle? Maybe
only a virtual creature. There is a benefit, however, not only in the fact of
writing down these fantasies. After all, thanks to them we see more sharply,
first of all that the thought does not have to be subordinate to "official"
beliefs. Returning to elsymon, let’s ask: "Can every elsymon be a
permanent creation? Or maybe there are some selection rules by which only
certain elsymons deserve to be detectable particles?" One can expect that
the (more or less) permanency is a matter of symmetry, or specific structural
asymmetry, according to which a particle is built (at planckon scale). It is a
matter for further research, although some suggestions will appear already in
the next chapter of this work.
At the beginning of our discussion,
we calculated the gravitational radius of a single planckon. In this context,
we noticed that in the case of a system of planckons, due to its maybe even
considerable mass defect, the radius of gravity is smaller and tends to zero as
the mass of the system tends to zero. We have already noted, moreover, that in the
more general case an elsymon, even if very complex, can show a small mass
because a substantial part of its mass is closed (high mass defect). Such a
composite elsymon may, however, have a relatively large volume. It follows that:
a) the mass of a particle (elsymon), while relatively small, can correspond to
the masses of elementary particles; b) due to relatively small mass, the gravitational
radius of such a system (and not a single planckon) is very small in relation
to the elsymon’s volume. Such a particle is therefore "visible" (its
detection is possible), although c) is not possible to experimentally and unambiguously
determine its dimensions and spatial characteristics. It is possible that the
particle itself is a complex system of planckon vibrations. Thus its status quo
at a given moment cannot be specified (uncertainty principle). So our particle
is a variable creation due to the dynamics of the vibration that certainly
occurs in it; it doesn’t have to be spherically symmetrical. Besides, to
examine the system one needs to intervene in it making the result the matter of
statistics and probability, which of course brings to mind quantum mechanics.
This motif can constitute an interpretational completion of this branch of
6. Field
saturation and energy contained in a gravitational field or the memories of the
old times
For a very long time I have been intrigued by
the problem of saturation. This phenomenon manifests itself, for example, in
the existence of chemical compounds. A molecule of a durable chemical compound does
not tend to bind any additional atoms. I omit here the possibility of bonds in
the crystal lattice, and skip the fact that particles at very close range interact
as dipoles, quadrupoles or multipoles. That’s not the point. It’s about the existence
of saturation, like in the case of a molecule of methane, the simplest example
of a saturated hydrocarbon. The field around the carbon atom enables binding of
only four hydrogen atoms. Much time has gone since I started to be puzzled by
the problem of saturation, particularly in gravitational interaction. Is the
presence of other bodies around the source of the field having an effect on their
total field, and, of course, on the field around the source? Is there a
possibility of its saturation, kind of liquidation of the field due to
participation in the interaction of a sufficient number of bodies, elements of
the system? Intuition told me yes, there is. Lack of saturation would render
the field’s energy infinite, which in fact would contradict the principle of
its preservation. I didn’t come across anything like this in the research
literature. Is the saturation simply irrelevant because the science of gravity
went in the direction that is not consistent with the quantum vision? Perhaps. Could
it be thought that there is no limit, that there may be an infinite number of sources, that it is enough to have the principle of
superposition? Could it be thought that it is a trifle, triviality? That there
is no problem at all? Or maybe it just got swept under the carpet?
I imagined (in those old
days), maybe a little childishly, atom, as well as the source of the
gravitational field, as a ball with a limited (however) number of hands. "After
all, the energy contained in the gravitational field around a body cannot be
infinitely great. Can’t be infinite, and therefore limited because around the
less massive bodies field is weaker. Not infinite, even when it comes only to energy
density." [I considered this matter in the Appendix to the previous
article. There I noticed that the total energy of a field around the source point
is equal to half of the invariant mass of the source (with a minus sign).] The
existence of diversity of fields, depending on mass of source-bodies was a
sufficient clue and motivation for reflections and thoughts. The body of
greater mass would have more of these "hands" than a less massive
body. The summary energy contained in a field around it would be greater. This
would even suggest some form of quantization - including gravity. The same of
course applies to all bodies. Bodies join hands. The closer they are the more
hands are joined, the more these bodies are bound to each other. So it is conceivable
that all hands are occupied. No spare ones left. Then such a system is simply gravitationally
saturated. There is no gravitational field around it, which also means zero
mass. What does this remind you of? Are these only some naive speculations?
But I have a little problem here. Everything fine,
provided that the masses of bodies are equal (the same number of
"hands"). However, this is a (very) particular case. And if the
masses are not equal (which is generally the case)? Then zero is not achievable,
is it? Yet from (general) considerations concerning material points it
transpires that gravitational mass of the system can also come to zero when the
masses are varied. So is the model with "hands" a dud? It is too
simple? It seems to me that, apparently (no reason to immediately give up),
this model could hold only for the most basic systems. In a moment we'll see
what justifies this hope.
This brings to mind the lines-of-force
model. It’s a pity that the thought of saturation, once it occurred, was not
continued, was not developed. Would the content of the preceding paragraph
justify it? It is rather about something else. Well, the concept of saturation
is not consistent with the paradigm that is currently absolutely binding,
namely that gravity means only attraction. When I was young dreams were like
reality. And today? Reality is almost not a dream. Although as for now, it is
rather only my personal reality.
And planckon? Probably it has a limited
"single digit" number of hands, for example four (why more? Nature is
modest). Three of them join hand-with-hand with three other planckons forming
tetrahedron²², an elementary cell (three-dimensional space?), which has also
four free hands. Such identical cells can thus join each other (as single planckons)
into more complex systems, which are also sources of the gravitational field.
They can also create closed forms of various sizes. Photons? ... This model
probably explains why the masses of the particles we know are of comparable magnitudes
(see previous section).
There is also
another possibility, no less interesting. Planckons, still having four
"hands", can create a dodecahedron in which each of the walls is a
regular pentagon.²³ Here it is worth noting that the regular pentagon is
associated with the golden ratio of line segments, which in turn is related to
the Fibonacci sequence. Golden ratio manifests itself in nature in countless
forms, both in animate and inanimate nature. As we can see the number of planckons
connectivity options is, however, not infinite (due to the assumed in this
work existence of saturation of the gravitational field - no matter how
appears its mathematical model. This is for the workshop). That suggests the
possibility of some selection rules while modeling (on paper) the structures of
elementary particles. Is it only fantasy? Maybe, though probably not baseless,
in any case at least at this stage of analysis. But the die was cast a long
time ago.
The description of interaction of material
points, and in this article – interaction of planckons, brought back to life my
thoughts from the seventies and earlier years of the last century. It looks
like saturation really exists. The field of the system is weaker (in terms of
energy content) than the total field of separated components. The weaker field
means smaller mass. With the right number of them and their appropriate
concentration the field may even disappear. If there are a lot of them the
field may disappear even when the concentration of matter is not all that great.
The most obvious example of such a saturated system is... Universe. The cosmological
principle, which constitutes the base of my thoughts, actually the only a priori
condition for modelling Universe, simply demands that the intensity of the
gravitational (cosmological) field should everywhere equal to zero. And other
universes? They do not see ours (Just as we do not see them, despite the
widespread acceptance of various interesting visions of such prominent popularisers
like Michio Kaku). If they exist, each of them is an autonomous, closed space.
Nothingness? And what the Bible says about the beginning of the Big Bang? In
the beginning was “emptiness and chaos” – not at the same time. Chaos was somewhat later (the conjunction
"and" may indicates succession in the course of events). At first
URELA (Ultra-relativistic Acceleration – there will be more about it in the following
articles), and then the phase change (chaos, fraktalization, temperature).
In my youth I was asking myself
another question: What is the total energy contained in the gravitational field
around a specific source? For example, the calculation of energy contained in
an electrostatic field between the capacitor plates is not a problem even for a
high school student (provided he/she is not too modern, that is knows nothing,
because the mind is in the tips of the fingers running over the tablet screen).
Nobody, however, pondered on gravitation. „If gravity
is the curvature of space then the question above does not correspond to
reality”. Is therefore gravity devoid of materiality? And yet
its magnitude is conditioned by the mass testifying to the presence of matter. Here
it is worth to look into the previous article, and more specifically to the Appendix
at its end. There, I come to the conclusion-hypothesis that the energy
contained in the gravitational field around a (spherical) point source, is
equal to:
Associations, reflections and thoughts
¹¹) In
this context, there may be a justification for associating planckons with Higgs
particles, and the field produced by a multitude of planckons with "an ocean,
or the Higgs field." It would be, according to current opinions, filling
the space continuum. All of the particles interact with it (via a boson of the
same name), though unevenly. [And why unevenly?] For this reason masses of particles
differ from each other. The introduction of something like this to the theory
was an urgent need. Without this the standard model would be incomplete, since
it would not have been able to show the cause of the diversity of particles’
masses. [And what is the cause of this cause? It's probably a matter of the
structure.] Higgs boson gained great fame; it was even called "the divine
particle". Apparently it was finally discovered in the LHC. This Great
Discovery requires, however, confirmation.
The concept of Higgs
bosons is based on the procedures of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory which
does not consider gravity. At the same time the inherent equality of gravitational
and inertial mass is taken as something well established. The existence of the
Higgs field apparently allows for the differentiation of masses of inertial particles.
What about gravity? I think it's a kind of inconsistency. And if consistency,
then wanting.
Let's say that the Higgs theory, and in fact the
theory of the whole group of six physicists (Robert Brout, Francois Englert, Gerald
Guralnik, Carl Hagen, Peter Higgs and Tom Kibble) somehow deals with the
questions: "Why the mass of a defined particle is such, and not another?
Why the mass of particles differ from each other in that particular way? Why they
actually vary?" After all, this theory does not interconnect (because it
cannot) the known characteristics of particles with the way they are structured.
It simply does not touch the structure of particles (and its conditions), particles
which remain, in particular leptons, rather point objects. Is it actually possible
to understand the diversity of particle masses in the absence of links between
their properties and their internal structures? Judging by our conclusions, we
can infer that the mass of a particle is primarily determined by its structure
and by how densely its elements are packed together. I presume that this
approach – based on the postulated duality of gravity and resulting from it
planckon model - may advance our understanding of
the question of differentiation of particles.
We will soon find out that the structure of particles is determined by
gravitational interactions, which is a foreign concept to quantum theories. It
is worth noting that the planckon model responds easily to the questions posed
a little earlier (those with which the standard model doesn’t seem to be
managing too well), and as we shall see, also answers questions which leave the
standard model (along with the Higgs field and bosons) helpless, and will even
tackle the questions which the standard model is not even capable of asking.
And what is the physical meaning of the
vacuum energy? – Well, just another question.
Considering planckons
or actually the environment which they create, we will come to conclusions
which make even an alternative to the Higgs’ concept. My approach to the
problem is indeed different, and apart, the questions which have been already
asked (the ones above) and many others can be also answered on the basis of the
planckon model, and moreover it leads to, as I mentioned above, to unveiling
the structure of particles, and even the principles underlying their
construction. Of course, my role is just to present an idea. If it is correct
... Let’s hope. There will be a lot of material for PhD theses. I think that at
the end of this digression it is worth noting that Higgs particles are bosons. And
what about planckons (if indeed they are not just scientific aid)? But let’s
not get ahead of ourselves (although I already blurted out something).
Incidentally it is worth noting that Planck mass is not the mass of the
Higgs boson. It is much greater. The ratio of their masses amounts to 10^17. In
addition, our boson decays (average lifespan is 1.6 · 10^-22 sec.). And, anyway,
what is the physical cause of the disintegration of the H boson (and, of course,
of other particles)? ... Wait, if it decays, in addition so quickly, how does he
know that it is a proton, not electron (for example)? And what causes its
decay? Self-made? Then why the disintegration time is average? This would mean
that the decay is caused some external factor. Let’s remember that particles of
the same kind are indistinguishable. Maybe the guilty ones are background
neutrinos of diverse energy (it is only a
working hypothesis). Why neutrinos? About this some other time. Can our boson,
before it falls apart, have the time to determine the mass of the particle
which causes its decay (say neutrinos)? I agree, it is a naive, boyish question.
So I renew
my question: Can we also qualify planckons as bosons? It will turn out that no,
that they are fermions with spin 1/2. This would be consistent with our
assumption of dual gravity. As you can see, it's not the same zip code.
We shall see that the "vacuum
energy" fits very well with planckon model. It is possible that the ocean of
planckons creates material background for observable entities (not the Higgs Ocean).
Maybe it also has something to do with the Big Bang and with the process lasting
very briefly at its very beginning, of an accelerated exponential expansion
(though not inflation but URELI – we’ll get to it in the subsequent articles). There
is still a lot ahead of us.
¹²) As an aside, let’s note that mass defect of nuclear systems,
although it is associated with strong forces, means also that the total gravity
of two nucleons (it doesn’t matter that it is immeasurably weak), is smaller
when they are together in the nucleus, in comparison with their summary gravity
when they are separated. That’s because the gravitational field depends on the
mass of its source. This problem might have baffled already a long time ago,
and skipping it only because of the relative weakness and immeasurability of
the gravitational field of such small systems, I think to be wrong, because it
makes the picture of the reality incomplete. Our capabilities in the field
of measurements should not constitute here (and not only here) the criterion of
existence. Another cause of this omission, perhaps no less
important is that the general theory of relativity (the theory of gravity) does
not consider mass defect because it doesn’t enter into the reasoning behind its
structure. I already wrote about this in the previous article.
The above remarks require some further
thought. For if we express the mass defect as the difference in energy of
strong interaction in two states, we get a very high energy, gamma photon
energy, emitted as a result of specific nuclear transition. This energy appears
to be inadequate in view of infinitesimal, completely negligible difference in
the intensity of the gravitational field. "It's just resulting from
Einstein's equation equivalence of mass and energy, having nothing to do with
gravity." You can say so, however mass is a "building block" of (space
curving according to GTR) gravitational field. And the gravitational field itself...
after all, it has infinite range, so it is scattered in terms of energy in an
unlimited expanse, far beyond the nucleus. That’s also worth considering.
Let some "nuclear charge" keep
getting smaller (as in a different situation, electric charge, somewhat like
mass defect). We would then have to do with the "nuclear mass" defect
or (in other circumstances) loss "of electrical mass, that is charge".
But there is no such thing. For example, the mutual approach of electron and
proton does not cause continuous (!) change (decrease) of their charges. Charges
are simply invariant. And yet mass decreases, and it happens regardless of the
fact that potential electrical energy of mutual interaction of these
particles also decreases (naturally, equivalent to a certain mass)***.
In any case,
there is mass defect... gravitational mass defect (or what comes to the same
thing, inertial mass defect) of the system. The total energy equivalent to
it may therefore be quite large, so that in the case of nuclear transformations
(e.g., neutron capture) causes emission of gamma radiation. Let’s not forget that mass defect is expressed
in units of energy. As it can be seen everything, kinds of, comes down to
gravity. We can already venture to say that gravity constitutes the base for
other interactions. Further considerations will confirm this observation.
this occasion let’s note something seemingly insignificant, that immeasurably
small mass defect is equivalent to a relatively large, by all means measurable
energy. Contrary to popular opinion, this could mean that gravity is very
important, if not the dominant element of reality also in the scales, in which
is ignored. Apparently the nucleons in the nucleus are so squeezed that
considerable (gravitational) mass defect of their system does not allow their further
mutual penetration. [Would the statement - "No wonder, after all nucleons
are fermions and so the Pauli exclusion principle applies." – closes the
matter? Let’s not wind up the problem with a little rule because it is not an
explanation. And where does this prohibition come from? Most likely, from dual
gravity ...] Do we by any chance come near to unification of gravity with
strong interaction? Electromagnetic? After all gamma photons are emitted.
Even if we only get the feel of it, it is worth considering,
and not discarding the matter just because the theory (one or another) does not
consider this issue, for example due to the weakness of gravity in atomic
systems. Soon we will actually come to conclusion that despite all, gravity is
not so weak..., and judging by the huge planckon’s mass, we can already put
forward a thesis that gravity is the primary interaction, and even the building
material for the other ones. There is rather no question of randomness in this
¹³) Let’s note that the energy of
electromagnetic field is quantized. One can assume that this is related to
the fact that the elementary charge is indivisible (there aren’t any small
parts of it). By the way, this fact actually
is the cause of the whole "mess" of quantum mechanics, even though
today a key theme of reflections within it is the wave-particle duality and the
uncertainty principle including probability concerning measurable quantities
(in the context of the doctrine of observability) and identified as a solution
to wave equation for given conditions.
This does not apply,
however, to mass, which changes continuously due to the continuous changes of
systems’ gravitational potential energy. So it is difficult to immediately (for instance on the basis of the remark
in the underlined sentence just above) talk about quantization of energy of gravitational
field (although nowadays this is talked about - such physicists’ dream based on
the currently "natural" premises)****. It is difficult, without
the imposition of specific conditions, and without the adoption of some other premises
(see reference***), to expected quantization of energy changes in a gravitational
system. It is hard to expect the emission (or absorption) of specified particles
as a result of changes in its condition.
It is difficult, so it can be done... As
it turns out (see the same reference), it is possible, moreover with the
participation of photons despite the fact that getting closer (or further apart)
does not take place in sudden jumps but continuously. Yes, with photons... but under
the condition that the target state is determined unequivocally, as, for
example, in the case of neutron absorption by atomic nucleus. This solution
would be consistent with the often mentioned fact of a link between nucleus mass
defect and emission of gamma photon of equal energy. Of course, this does not
solve all the problems. Rather indicates a promising lead.
And what if the target state is not
specified and, for example, the elements of the system approach each other?
Then we cannot expect radiation of energy equivalent to system’s (progressive,
continuous) loss of mass. In this situation, the only solution is to come to
terms with this, that is to accept as possible that the gravitational mass of
the system decreases (gradually, as its components approach each other). It is formally
equivalent (as the distance between elements diminishes) to gradual increase of
the negative mass, compensating the positive mass of the system. That’s how it
can be modeled for a quantitative description. Incidentally, we have here one
more argument confirming the idea that gravity is the basic, primary interaction.
It would seem that an alternative solution is a
gravitational wave taking excess energy. Yes, but what would be the length of
this wave? Variable in time? Variable on a continuous basis? This is certainly
not satisfactory.
It is not, however, about the
"substantial" mass of particles. Matter does not diminish just as no
new particles come from nothingness when the elements of a system move away
from each other (mass increase). This should be emphasized. It's just about the
decrease of potential energy of mutual interaction. It’s about the resultant
energy. In this situation the potential energy of interaction would be the
algebraic sum of negative energy (of attraction) and positive energy (of repulsion).
When one decreases, the other increases by the same amount (principle of
conservation). Of course, this transformation in pure form can be separated
only in extra-micro-scale, below the threshold of quantum interactions (electro-weak
and strong), which dominate above. One can also presume that the forces occurring
there are quite large. Gravitational forces. Let’s note that we can also have a
situation in which both forms of potential energy are numerically equal. At
that moment the system is set to zero. It disappears as a gravitational
existence. It can be assumed that at this point its electro-weak and strong
interactions also disappear. In this state all interactions will unify with
gravity, which becomes further, deeper, the only agent of change. And with
elements getting still closer to each other... gravity starts to repulse. Is it
a too far-fetched fantasy? Not anymore, because we have behind us the previous
article (*).
And what about specific bodies? Each body
is a system of certain gravitational mass (which was discussed in the said
article). If it is compressed, for example as a result of gravitational
collapse, its mass decreases. How long (along with thickening of matter) the
mass can decrease? First of all, it could mean that the measured mass of each
body is greater than the mass of the substance therein. By how much? By the
amount of energy of its gravitational field. What is that
"substance"? It is a subject for further research. By the way,
"it would mean the possibility of the borderline of compression,
corresponding to the substantial mass." And what is it that has that substantial
mass? Wait, wait. At the deeper level there is also repulsion, and thus the
field again. So is it that the system has solely substantial mass only in case
when it is devoid of the characteristics of attraction and repulsion (has zero
mass)? I think so, because then it does not produce field (which also has
mass)... So it would mean that the substantial mass does not exist, would it? So
field is everything, is it? And what about planckons? Still a lot more thinking
in front of us. What kind of matter is this about? Probably not the one we know
from autopsy. So is it only a fantasy?
And how it in case of planckons appropriately
close to each other? (after all, they are forming our bodies)? What does mean "appropriately"?
Touching each other? And what is this point of contact, when talking about the
field? Display stage for force transmitting bosons? What bosons? All of them
are made of planckons... Is it at all possible to unambiguously determine the
"substantial" mass? Besides, just a moment ago we lost faith in it.
But the "material matter" (not field) probably exists. We’ll think
about it further on. So here you go, questions live their own lives and they
are very impatient...
As we know, mass defect has an impact
on other interactions. It is particularly noticeable in relation to the atomic
nuclei (which is commonly known, and even exploited, not necessarily for the
sake of peace). Yet mass is the source of gravitational interactions (not of
those strong ones). What kind of conclusions can we draw out of this? You
can venture to say that this issue concerns only gravitational interaction,
although at a higher level of the organization of being, which means in
our experience, it appears as an effect associated (for example) with strong
forces. Therefrom one could draw the conclusion that gravity is the
fundamental, basic interaction. Other ones result from it! The primary
character of gravity is attested by continuous (not step) changes in energy.
This continuity would be the indication of its primary character. Is it right?
From a philosophical point of view "it is acceptable." Quantization,
in any case its probabilistic aspect, is thus the secondary effect of complexity
which is however "controlled", but by the indivisibility of
elementary charge. And gravity? Its continuity has also a limit, at a much
deeper level. It is determined by the absolutely elementary being, which we
have already started to identify with planckons. Is that heresy? Well, that’s the
outcome (heresy, or rather the outcome?)
²¹) Let's return to our two planckons and to our result.
"It's not that unequivocal" –some readers may object - "it
depends from which side we look at it." The system shown on the figure is not
symmetrical (like a sphere), although it has highlighted axes of symmetry.
"So gravity does not disappear for an observer located at close range and
outside the centre of the straight line segment between the centres of planckons."
Let us remember, however, that our figure is only an approximate illustration
of the case. It does not cover (as yet not explored) planckon’s special
topological characteristics. After all, this system can be seen as a kind of
dipole with the field that disappears very quickly with distance. So interaction
can occur between (zeroed) systems located very close to each other. The range
of this field is, of course, the shorter the greater number of planckons are
contained within it. Doesn’t it bring to mind the nuclear interactions? You can
also approach this issue differently. Planckon’s specific topology makes the
system gravitationally invisible (despite the lack of full symmetry), and its
dipolar character does not play a role here (What is this specific topology?).
Is it convincing?
You can also tackle it from a different
angle. The system on the above figure is static. It’s a fair assumption as a
matter of fact, but we have to deal with vibrations with the specific internal
dynamics of the system. The possibility of repulsion fits into this picture. This
may have an impact on how we "see" the system (for example, as
something absolutely symmetrical), as well as on its behaviour in an external
field, which may induce (an extra) asymmetry. The system, however, becomes then
the field source (it is not anymore gravitationally zeroed). This is reminiscent
of diamagnetism, and it also associates with photons - which do not have the
inert mass, yet they are responsive to the external to them gravitational, and
not some other, field (in this context, not as the result of physical curvature
of space). Interesting here is the fact that photons do not respond to
electromagnetic field. This is quite meaningful. Don’t they react, because they
transmit themselves? This fact could have drawn attention already a long time
ago. Now, however, there's a very appropriate opportunity. Which of the concept
presented here is correct? It is a matter for further research, although we
have an interesting foothold - vibrations of planckons forming a system. And
how to put it mathematically? This should be tried even by those who utterly reject
the whole concept.
We will come back to these issues, but for now let’s note
that the latter option reminds of classic quantum approach. On this occasion it
is worth adding that, since we already mentioned vibration, very promising are resonance
situations. This may help finding stability conditions of planckon systems, help
creating (on paper) specific selection rules. In addition, it somehow reminds
us of the concept of strings (especially these vibrations). Actually one can
see here the bridge between deterministic gravity and indeterministic quantum
mechanics. Have I overstretched...? We'll see further.
reflection ²¹) I
drew attention to, among other things, the possibility of existence of planckonic
vibrations forming elsymon. What kind of vibrations can occur in a single tetrahedral
cell? Symmetry requirements demand that vibrations take place in pairs with a phase
displacement of 180 degrees. And in a system of such tetrahedra? The system may
be stable under a condition of proper adjustment, which means that there may
exist only such systems which are internally resonant, adjusted and stable. In
such a system, all the vibrations that occur simultaneously should belong to
the same Fourier family. It is also worth noting that the external to the system (gravity) field
can disrupt the system vibrations, its harmony, and cause, for example, its
decomposition. As we can see, not all planckon systems can be particles
(elsymons). The set of possible options is limited. Of course, we know that from
empirical research. I invite younger readers to conduct more detailed
investigations. I think that based on my fantasies it will not be an impossibility
to find a (theoretically) appropriate selection rules. As a result, I am
confident, they will get something similar to the standard model, but this time
based entirely on gravity. This is the novelty. In addition, this time, the
young and curious will have to attack the problem "from below". We have here a great mass
of research topics.
²³) For Sumerians number 12 had special
significance. Was it because of this dodecahedron? Did they know something? Or
maybe it was known to someone who conveyed to them this knowledge (as
"divine message" only to the initiated priests,). This number was a
sacred number. They knew (believed) that the solar system contains 12 heavenly
bodies (including the moon and the planet Nibiru as well as Pluto). How could
they know it? But that’s not what I am here about. From them came 12 zodiac
signs - still in force. Clock face is divided into 12 segments. The Bible
refers to 12 tribes of Israel. The product of the numbers 12 and 5 (the number
of fingers, pentagon, regular dodecahedron), gives the number 60, which forms
the basis of the Sumerian counting system. There are a lot of other examples.
Also in the Torah you can find a lot of Sumerians’ legacy. Who knows, maybe
Moses on Mount Sinai received the same message, which was bestowed upon Sumerians
two thousand years earlier? The mysterious, encrypted, message designed for
those who would be able to decipher it? The message intended for all and not just
for the chosen few Sumerian priests. The message encrypted by letters of the
alphabet. Moses, as the first in history, introduced alphabet (no longer
hieroglyphs), the still used Hebrew alphabet. On the basis of Hebrew letters the
Phoenician alphabet was created, and later Greek and Latin. Hebrew alphabet has
22 letters, and each letter has its numeric equivalent. Why 22? Just
"accidentally" human being has 22 pairs of chromosomes (not counting
the sex chromosomes XY and XX). In total, each cell of the body has 46
In the
Torah, that's right, right there, you can find a lot of encrypted information.
Today, ciphers breaking is done by scientists, cryptographers using computers
with high computing power. Commonly (already) known is the so-called Bible
Code. Also, centuries ago, the sages of the Torah come to interesting
conclusions. They didn’t involve themselves with intrusive (and devious) proving
of the existence of God (Something the Catholic dignitaries excel at). If
someone wants to prove the existence of the divine, it means that his faith is
only a facade, facade behind which various (generally not very glorious) things
were happening (and happen).
In this regard Nehunya
ben Hakanah, who lived between the first and second centuries, deserves
particular attention. Based on the Torah, he calculated the age of Universe: 15.3
billion years. Another sage Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman), who lived in the thirteenth
century, presented a model of Universe at its very beginning, consistent with
models under consideration today, even concurrent with the one evolving in my work.
These two examples should suffice.
Going back to the number 12, that’s the
number of years to complete the (basically compulsory) education. Is it just a
coincidence? Modern European culture is largely based on the ancient heritage,
among which greatly exposed Greeks constitute only very modest link. It is a
pity that some barbarians burned the library of Alexandria. Also in our time
burning of books is not just a prank of some paranoid criminal.
regular dodecahedron made of planckons fulfills a unique role as an important
structural element. Did they know about it? They knew the sacred number 12.
Let’s come back to Earth. After all, all these
perpetrations of mine are only phantasy.
Some interesting data I scooped from the books:
Zecharia Sitchin - "The Cosmic Code (The Earth Chronicles, Book VI);
Jeffrey Satinover - "Cracking the Bible Code".
*) „The dual character of gravity”
**) This year was published his textbook, in which he
explained the introduction of the concept of atom in chemistry. The idea came
about already in 1803.
***) From classical
electrodynamics it is known that the accelerated movement of charged particles is
accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic radiation. This is true provided
that it is not cyclical movement. Non-cyclic accelerated movement of a particle,
say charged one, means, firstly, its participation in a specific interaction,
and, secondly, an irreversible change in potential energy shown in the change
in kinetic energy. "Irreversible", for only then it will make sense
to talk about radiation. If it is reversible (cyclic movement), the emission of
radiation is not possible because it would mean a lasting change in system’s
energy, and thus the annihilation of cyclicity. And yet the cyclic phenomena
exist. (The total) energy of a cyclic system is constant. Such a cyclic system
is energetically invariant, of course, only when it is left to itself. In
particular, this applies to elementary systems, such as atom (constant electron
orbits). Therefore, no wonder that atom does not emit radiation despite the
fact that electrons circling around the nucleus accelerate all the time. This
brings to mind one of Bohr’s postulates. After a hundred years, it is no longer
a postulate. Although gravitational mass during this movement may vary
(ellipse) and speed (as a vector quantity) is changing, the system is stable.
However, if, for example, as a result of a collision with a particle electron
loses part of its kinetic energy, then, of course, it falls to a lower level.
After emission of a photon of a specific energy, which is conditioned by
electromagnetic interaction (e.g., visible light), atom is set in a new
(stationary) state.
the non-cyclic accelerated motion of an electrically charged particle we have emission
of radiation. At what moment? Consideration of this issue is beyond the scope of
the topic under our consideration. So that’s how it is when it comes to charged
particles. The situation is different in the case of gravitational interaction.
In the case of closed orbit all is clear. But does emission of some radiation occur
during the non-cyclic motion? When it comes only to gravitation, it’s rather unlikely.
****) In another work, an essay
dedicated to black holes, I drew attention to the possibility of quantization
of gravitational energy, but in a very specific system, in the nucleus of the
galaxy enclosed within by gravitational horizon. "Physicists’ dreams",
even the most daring, do not go into black hole, as if it was forbidden fruit.
We are dealing here with the conditions of extremely strong gravity. Apart from
that, already in this work I have actually suggested (in the form of a
question) that the (possible) very existence of planckons seals up the existence
of the quantization of gravity. Quantization, as we know, means the possibility
of portioning. Treating gravity as "element" of a continuous nature
and limitlessness depth, simply excludes even the possibility of
renormalization used in quantum field theory – and for (formally) this reason
that theory does not consider gravity; and the more so the possibility of its
quantization. Something else, when gravity has its specific source - is
atomistic. In this case, the quantization does not preclude continuous field
changes. Atomism of gravitational being. I am convinced that this may enable
renormalization to include gravity. Certainly, however, the matter does not end
in the eighteenth century Titius discovered an interesting regularity concerning
orbits of the planets of the solar system. Bode popularized it, apparently
attributing the discovery to himself. For some time the rule was even called the
Bode’s rule. Today we speak mostly about the Titius-Bode law (T-B).
idea is that planets orbiting the Sun do not occupy random positions. Now, the
average distance of each planet from the Sun can be summed up in a simple
mathematical dependence. If we take as a unit the average Earth-Sun distance,
we have:
a = 0,4 + 0,3n
where n equals zero, and
consecutive powers of number 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. The number 0
corresponds to the planet Mercury. Here is a table that compares values for individual
planets with their actual distance from the Sun.
Actual distance
Pluto was recently removed when it was decided that it is a dwarf planet, like
many other bodies found in the Kuiper belt. As you can see, we have a
surprisingly good compliance and it is hard to dismiss it as a coincidence.
Oddly no planet corresponds to number 8. Even more puzzling is the fact that
located there planetoids (asteroids) were discovered (the largest of them)
thanks to the T-B rule. Odkryto je
na samym początku XIX wieku (Ceres: a = 2,8; Pallas: a
= 2,8; Juno: a = 2,7 and Vesta: a = 2,4). Also puzzling is the
"absence" of Neptune. But this does not have to testify against the
T-B rule. This may be an indication that after the formation of the solar
system, there happened an event (collision) which distorted full compliance.
Perhaps between Mars and Jupiter circled a planet which broke down and
dispersed, perhaps Neptune, the twin planet (as it now turns out) to Uranus,
for the same reason suffered a gravitational push. I will not concoct stories
inconsistent with today's knowledge. I think the best answer to the question:
"Why?" we will get by studying the writings of the Sumerians (and not
today's astronomers). To make it easier I encourage you to read a book by
Zecharia Sitchin entitled The 12th Planet.
Nowadays this rule is not treated too
seriously because it is not know where this regularity comes from, what makes
it physically justified. There is no foothold. So as not to foster joyful works
of amateurs, it is simply ignored, or at most it is seen as "mysterious
accident." But maybe there is quantization of orbits, also in relation to
the planets of the solar system (and generally in relation to all the planetary
******) Elsymon.
A lot of time after the introduction of the name, while re-reading the
manuscript of the book, on the basis of which I wrote this article ("Let’s
fantasize about the Universe II. Into the depths of matter: gravity in sub-dimensions"),
just before its release, I felt a bit strange. Some shivers run down my spine.
After all, El comes from the Hebrew Elohim (like in EL-AL Int-EL, etc.), And
the word "siman" in Hebrew means sign. Sign of God… It’s worth
reading the first sentences of the Torah (Genesis) and associate them with the
context of this work. Probably a long time ago somebody knew a lot…
May 2013
The next article in
this series: "The potential energy
of the planckon system. Suggestions concerning the construction of particles.
What is the dark matter?"
Content: Derivation of the formula for the potential energy of
two planckons. The physical meaning of the results. Specific suggestions
relating to the construction of particles, based on the planckon model and dual
The Universe from the very beginning: panelsymon, accelerated expansion
- Urela [Ultra-relativistic acceleration] (not inflation) ending in the
phase change. The essence of dark matter based on the planckon model and urelian